Tuesday 11 December 2012

{Social and Intelligent Class}[16th January 1970]

[Redbook1:112][19700116:0900]{Social and Intelligent Class}[16th January 1970]

Friday 16th January 1970, 9.a.m.

            The old system of class division in our society -- by social birth -- is being replaced by another, a division by intellectual birth.  In other words, where there used to be a structure with all levels of intelligence found (to a certain extent) at all social levels of society, there will now come a society in which the intelligent are at the top and the lower levels are composed of semi-morons and morons.  Could this lead to a new and terrible kind of class war, a revolt of the violent and reactive unintellectual majority, led by a few intelligent defectors from the leaders, against the domination of the intellectual, progressive or changing (or at least authoritarian) minority?

            The country earl has more in common with his gamekeeper or one of his beaters (in his shoot) than many a brilliant left-wing civil servant does with the unacademic clerks in his own office -- and what is more, both the earl and the gamekeeper know they have, while the clerk knows the civil servant hasn't.


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