Wednesday 8 November 2023

{Gothic Art}[7th March 1991]

[Redbook8:314][19910307:1718]{Gothic Art}[7th March 1991]



‘Gothic is the term used generally to signify the style of architecture and art that developed from the Romanesque ** during the 12th century and became predominant in Europe by the middle of the 13th century. The wide range of variations within the style are usually categorised by subdivisions indicating chronological or geographical phases (e.g., early, High, Italian, International, and late Gothic).’


*cf IX [], 283

**{(cf [[Redbook8:323][19910314:1020#]{[Gothic Art (2)] [continued #]}14th March 1991],] 323)}

***– E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 25:340

(& see following 2 para[graph]s [in text referred to] re Byzantine-influenced style followed**** by Meuse# Muldenstil; by softer, more realistic pictorial style; & by extraordinarily twisted and angular Zackenstil).

****(Early Gothic)

#[See last previous entry, & ant.]



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