Saturday 25 November 2023

[Gothic Art (2)(continued (10)):][Gothic into Renaissance][14th March 1991]

[Redbook8:323][19910314:1020d][Gothic Art (2)(continued (10)):][Gothic into Renaissance][14th March 1991]



‘The change from late Gothic to * Renaissance was superficially far less cataclysmic than the change from Romanesque to Gothic.** ***|In the figurative arts, it was not the great shift from symbolism**** to realistic representation|*** but a change from one sort of realism to another.#


*{cf [[Redbook8:280][19910221:1142i]{Byzantine Art [continued (5):] The 12th century Byzantine “Renaissance”}[21st February 1991],] 280 (Byzantine ‘Renaissance’ 0f 12th c[entury])}

**Romanesque c[irca]1000 – c[irca]1150 ([[Redbook8:306-314][19910306:0930c]{Romanesque Art}[6th March 1991,]] 306)

Gothic c[irca]12th c[entury] – c[irca]1400/1500 ([?[Redbook8:328-329][19910315:1000][Gothic Art (2)(continued (20))][15th March 1991&f?,]]329)

([[Redbook8:314][19910307:1718]{Gothic Art}[7th March 1991],]314?)


(See also IX;[[Redbook9:187[19910424:0902c/d]{The Renaissance}[24th April 1991],]187 <910511>


[***|Marginal emphasis|***]

****{(ie in Romanesque art, presumably)}

#Hmm.... See [[Redbook8:333][19910315:1000j][Gothic Art (2)(continued (28))][15th March 1991],] 333([para]2)

#*[– ibid (Encyclopaedia Britannica) 27: 93-94]

cf XI:[]72



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