Wednesday 4 January 2023

{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (13)] – Standards}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:152][19901223:1916m]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (13)] – Standards}[23rd December 1990]



*‘A standard [of a shrine]** usually consisted of a long tube incorporating animal haunches and human heads below a female who grasps rearing felines along an arc. It is in fact a fantastic version of the traditional Mesopotamian “tamer of animals” motif, in which adequate scope has been given for the imagination and religious beliefs of mountain dwellers.’


*(In the later 3rd millennium BCE of Elam)

**[Parenthesis in ms]

***– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:] 77

[cf [Redbook8:150][19901223:1916]{More Mesopotamian Symbols – Rod and Line; Goddess and Lion}[23rd December 1990], fn=**]



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