Thursday 12 January 2023

{Mesopotamian Long Cycles [continued]}[24th December 1990]

[Redbook8:157][19901224:2322b]{Mesopotamian Long Cycles [continued]}[24th December 1990]



Be that* as it may, both charts** suggest a break (and a ‘blank’ record) around 2048 in Mesoptamia, giving a 2048 year cycle (2048bce-0ce) within which both North and South Mesopotanian civilisations fit, from c[irca] C–S~ to loss of independence at G~.

Up to 2048bce is*** Sumer and Akkad (and Ur); from c2048bce are Babylonia and Assyria (including the Hurri and Mitanni), but quietly at first.

But on a smaller scale than this, the ‘pattern’**** is confused: it is difficult to interpret the quality of events, which is partly a problem of scaling, and I assume that this arises from the interference of many cycles on many scales in what was then the ‘cockpit’ of the World.

*[See last previous entry]

**ref [[Redbook8:28-29][19901015:1710]{Four Thousand Years BC[E]}*[15th October 1990],] 28-29,

[[Redbook8:44-67][19901027ff]{Comparative Chronology}[27th October 1990],] 44ff

***[sic – Sumer & Akkad was a single royal title]

****[Presumably, the C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis] pattern (if any)]


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