Monday 16 January 2023

{Minoan Symbols [continued] – Goddesses, Bulls etc}[28th December 1990]

[Redbook8:159][19901228:1517c]{Minoan Symbols [continued] – Goddesses, Bulls etc}[28th December 1990]



‘Many of the pictures, especially those from the palace at Knossos,* were concerned with religion and show elaborately dressed goddesses, together with sacred dances and ceremonies, such as bull[-]leaping, which may have had a religious or magical basis.’


‘A number of cult vases are carved with pictures in relief, including an octopus, a mountain shrine, a ritual dance of some kind, and games, such as bull-leaping, wrestling, and boxing, which appear to have had magical or religious connotations.’


* – ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 20], 233

** – ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 20: 233]



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