Saturday 4 June 2022

{Panic}[10th October 1990]

[Redbook8:20][19901010:1531e]{Panic}[10th October 1990]



‘Since the most dramatic feature of panic behaviour is every individual’s disregard for his fellow’s lives, many students believe that the fourth set of causes* lies in the quality** of every individuals relations with his fellows. Kurt Lang and Gladys E. Lang view panic as the end point in a process of demoralisation in which behaviour becomes privatised*** and there is a general retreat from the pursuit of group goals. Thus the essential characteristic of demoralisation is the emergence of isolated individuals fearfully pursuing strictly private goals and released from all sense of group loyalty.’****

(?cf: ‘There is no such thing as Society’, attributed to Mrs Thatcher#)

*(ie of collective panic)

**(their emphasis)

***A happy choice of word

****E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 16:612

#[Margaret Thatcher, United Kingdom Prime Minister 1979-1990, cited as from an interview with Women’s Own magazine, 31/10/1987]


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