Tuesday 14 June 2022

{Alienation}[13th October 1990]

[Redbook8:26][19901013:1459e]{Alienation}[13th October 1990]



(& see also ibid# ff, eg on alienation & failure as factors giving rise to participation in a movement:)*



‘Alienation, feelings of powerlessness, hopelessness, and estrangement from society may predispose an individual to participation.’**


‘The need to find meaning in a world that does not seem to make sense might be interpreted as a variation of spoiled identity or alienation.’****

*[Text & diagrem repeated from last previous entry]

** – Ibid: [Encyclopaedia Britannica 16:] 615

***(Bin apple-pickin’)

****– ibid. [Encyclopaedia Britannica 16: 615]


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