Wednesday 8 June 2022

{Appreciation and Criticism [continued]}[10th October 1990]

[Redbook8:22-23][19901010:1531i]{Appreciation and Criticism [continued]}[10th October 1990]



In C[ircles] A[nalysis] and S[ynthesis] terms, this* is outer circle rotation, characterised by paradigm shifts at the C or Crisis degree. Inner Circle rotation in the same context would tend – if it survived the Crisis Resolution period as pre-eminent over the o[uter] c[ircle] tendency to institutionalise – would tend [sic] to lead to smooth evolutionary development not characterised by the ‘bumps’ at O[uter] C[ircle] C.

In practice this means that the artistic judgmental process is made by Wisdom (r~), drawing on a set of criteria which are largely unconscious, or at least unconsciously determined, and which can therefore evolve in accordance with less personal artistic developments. This is, of course, on the face of it indistinguishable from appreciative judgement,** which is why it takes courage to follow it, confidence in one ‘self’ (or unself) and in one’s culture; and the culture needs to be self-aware, balanced, integrated etc.*** (unlike ours). Institutional censorship, however, is not the answer: standards do not require to be maintained, but to evolve, develop and refine themselves.

*[See last previous entry]

**(& may appear superficially like the later stages of the outer circle)

***{upward-oriented & ultimately centred

(per VII. [presumably, [Redbook7:265-266][19900827:2250d]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (17)]}[27th August 1990], 3rd paragraph,] 266)

(& cf VII. [[Redbook7:307-308][19900918:1010]{Balance and Integration}[18th September 1990],] 308)


[refs Encyclopaedia Britannica 14:103ff Criticism of the Arts]


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