Monday 27 June 2022

{Dark and Light Clergy}[15th October 1990]

[Redbook8:35][19901015:2120c]{Dark and Light Clergy}[15th October 1990]



Walking in Carmarthen today, and encountering – as one tends to there and in [Llan...] – * clergymen walking about: I remarked on** the curious fact that a high proportion – perhaps around 80-90% – of clergymen one encounters fall into one of two categories: either older, childlike and having a quality of whiteness or off-whiteness, even of near-light; and younger, determined to the point almost of the daemonic, and having a relatively much more noticeable quality of darkness. The former are frequently courteous and interested; the latter, generally bloody rude.

*(I’m watching News at Ten while writing this)

[Marginal note next to extensive crossings-out in the ms text]

**(& [W] confirmed)


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