Saturday 30 April 2022

{Hunter-gatherers and Agriculturalists [Extract]}[30th September 1990]

[Redbook7:345][19900930:2135c]{Hunter-gatherers and Agriculturalists [Extract]}[30th September 1990]



‘It is a mistake to attribute to hunters and gatherers conceptions that are bound up with agriculture and the fertility of fields.’*


*ref [[Redbook7:334-337][19900926:1230]{Prehistoric Circles (1)}[26th September 1990],] 334,

[[Redbook7:342][19900928:1822]{Prehistoric Circles (2)}[28th September 1990],] 342

**– E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:67


{Religion v. Sorcery [Extract]}[30th September 1990]

[Redbook7:345][19900930:2135b]{Religion v. Sorcery [Extract]}[30th September 1990]



‘Magic or sorcery* thus appears as the opponent of true religion** and gains importance when religion declines or is overwhelmed. In fact, magic and sorcery may take over cultic forms and rob them of their religious meaning when this occurs.’***



***E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:66


Thursday 28 April 2022

{The Cave Bear and Venus}[30th September 1990]

[Redbook7:345][19900930:2135]{The Cave Bear and Venus}[30th September 1990]




Given that evidence of cave bear ceremonies on the one hand, and small female (‘Venus’) statuettes on the other, both appear for the first time in the Upper*** Paleolithic period, it is possible to relate these to the Sky pattern**** inherited by the Greeks – with Ursa Major on the ‘male’ side and Andromeda with her myth on the ‘female’ side – and speculate that these may have represented the ‘male’ and ‘female’ right-left division of religious awareness.

*[[Redbook7:342][19900928:1822]{Prehistoric Circles (2)}[28th September 1990],] 342 →

VIII. [[Redbook8:90][19901107]{The History of Art: The Paleolithic Period}[7th November 1990,] 90

**E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:65,66

& see ibid[:]67 (Col 1, ult para)

***(ie most recent)

**** But: ‘Bulls … seem to have been# relegated to the masculine sphere.’ Ibid[:]67

(I have detailed and discussed the Greek sky map elsewhere – possibly not in these journals, but in an earlier and (self-)rejected C[ircles] A[nalysis] and S[ynthsesis] booklet draft.)

#[Underlining per ms not original text]


Wednesday 27 April 2022

{4,096 year Cycles (3)}[30th September 1990]

[Redbook7:345][19900930:1108b]{4,096 year Cycles (3)}[30th September 1990]




By c8000bce

Climatic changes and Pleistocene Age


(1) The Neolithic Revolution (c7000bce Some farming villages)

By c6000bce

1st complete regional cultural sequence of village farming


[By c4000bce]

***(2) The Urban Revolution (By c4000bce – 1st towns – southern Mesopotamia)


#By c3000bce

The 2 earliest civilisations of the Middle East (ie Tigris-Euphrates, Nile).

Bronze; Writing

By c2500bce

Indus Valley civilisation

By c2000bce

Northern China civilisation


Iron Age start

By c500bce

1st 2 civilised ways of life in New World (Mid America (no cities) and Central Andes (no writing)

#Late 4th millennium bce Sumerian civilisation in Mesopotamia – the oldest known urban and literate culture in the world.#*

*From [[Redbook7:343-344][19900929:2227b]{Bridging Cycles?}[29th September 1990]&f,] 344

{[Redbook7:330-331][19900924:1315]{4096-year Cycles (2)}[24th September 1990]&f,] 331→}

**ref [[Redbook7:330-331][19900924:1315]{4096-year Cycles (2)}[24th September 1990]&/or?f,] 330

***E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:52

****E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:60ff

#[See above]

#*E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:62


{Re-entering History}[30th September 1990]

[Redbook7:344][19900930:1108]{Re-entering History}[30th September 1990]


‘[Gerschom Scholem]* embodies two opposing trends in modern Judaism: the conflict between a timeless, inward quest for definition and an external need for acceptance, which entailed re-entering history. Scholem mediated these oppositions by reviving the most arcane of all doctrines, the cabbala, and revealing in it a new level of accessibility.’**

‘The letters indicate a basic pattern in his life, of Fall and Redemption’***

‘His father’s stern aloofness was softened by his mother’s warmth and took on a purposeful moral rigour. What saved him from pomposity, we now see, was the alert wit and self-mockery of his mother.’****

– So you see, it’s not my fault, after all.


**T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] No. 4565, 19900928-1004:1016

Laws in a lawless age’, Jeremy Adler

*** – Ibid.**

**** – Ibid.**


Monday 25 April 2022

{Bridging Cycles? [continued]}[29th September 1990]

[Redbook7:343-344][19900929:2227c]{Bridging Cycles? [continued]}[29th September 1990]



In C[ircles] A[nalysis] and S[ynthsesis] terms, both* the Roman Empire and the Hopewell Culture may tentatively be identified as bridging or Crisis approach**-&-resolution cycles, whose basic, full or notional span (bearing in mind that a cycle may start before, and end after, the evidence left by its fully active period) of 1024 years covers the G~-C-M~(/g~) arc of two 2048-year cycles, which constitutes the Crisis Approach (or Transformation) and Crisis Resolution phase of the juncture of two such sequential 2048-year cycles.

The North American version is far more shadowy and ‘notional’: possibly because of the lack of evidence; or possibly because it is a mere skeleton, an ‘echo’ of the European pattern perhaps, with little substance surrounding it.



*[See last previous entry]

**or transformation

***or because there’s nothing in it.<900930>

# → [[Redbook7:345][19900930:1108b]{4,096 year cycles (3)}[30th September 1990],] 345


{Bridging Cycles?}[29th September 1990]

[Redbook7:343-344][19900929:2227b]{Bridging Cycles?}[29th September 1990]



In North America, the Hopewell culture (of villages and concentrated wealth) dominated the Illinois and Ohio valleys from c400bce to c400ce. It was followed, in this area, by a relative decline in social cohesion in a generalised ‘Woodland’ culture, which had parallel[s to] it in neighbouring areas of North America. In c800ce, a new and stronger tradition moved up the Mississippi valley, with large towns, each with a central ceremonial plaza and (or surrounded by) a public building(s) on a mound(s). This pattern which was common in Middle America from c850bce, still flourished in the southern Mississippi Valley when the first Europeans arrived in the early 16th century.**

While the parallel is not exact, it is interesting that the Western Roman Empire in Eurafrasia [sic] lasted c509[bce] (Foundation of the Roman Republic – dominating the Latin towns by c358bce) to c476cs (Last Western [Roman] Emperor deposed by Odoacer, King of the Goths – after sack of Rome, 410ce). In Europe, and in North Africa temporarily, the Roman Empire was replaced from about 400ce onwards by Barbarian invaders, whose dominance of Europe continues to this day.

*[Presumably, [Redbook7:330-331][19900924:1315b]{4096-year Cycles (2) [continued]}[24th September 1990],] 331→

**per E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:58



Saturday 23 April 2022

{Prehistoric Circles (2) [continued]}[29th September 1990]

[Redbook7:342][19900929:2227]{Prehistoric Circles (2) [continued]}[29th September 1990]


*’The polishing of stone implements was probably a by-product of **the grinding of red ochre, in wide demand for its magic properties since the Paleolithic and extensively used in Africa since the Mesolithic and later.** One result of the grinding of ochre was to polish the grindstone, and another, when the upper grindstone was used at an angle, was to develop a sharp edge that, produced accidentally, may have led to the idea of grinding the cutting edge of celts or other tools. Repeated pecking of the flat surfaces of the grindstones that became too smooth to grind ochre efficiently led to perforation of the stone and thus to the development of the disk macehead of the Nile Valley.’**

*(In Africa)

**[**/Text marginally highlighted/**]

***E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:56


{Prehistoric Circles (2)}[28th September 1990]

[Redbook7:342][19900928:1822]{Prehistoric Circles (2)}[28th September 1990]



‘... Several Mousterian** localities have been excavated in the south[-]eastern Uzbek Republic.*** At the most important of these sites – the cave of Teshik-Tash – the burial**** of a Neanderthal# child who was surrounded by horns of a#* Siberian mountain goat has been discovered.’



*[[Redbook7:334-337][19900926:1230]{Prehistoric Circles (1)}[26th September 1990]ff,] 337 →

**ref [Encyclopaedia] Britannica] 19:781

***of Central Asia

****→[[Redbook7:345][19900930:2135]{The Cave Bear and Venus [Extract]}[30th September 1990];

[Redbook7:345][19900930::2135c]{Hunter-gatherers and Agriculturalists [Extract]}[30th September 1990],] 345

#cf [[Redbook7:334-337][19900926:1230]{Prehistoric Circles (1)}[26th September 1990]&f?f?,] 334

#*(presumably ‘the’)

[Not necessarily. This seems to be the Siberian/Altai/Gobi/Himalayan/Mongolian/Central Asian or Tien Shan Ibex, whose horns (in the male) are up to 58 inches long and can be (for example) curved in an irregular arc.]

#**cf E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:66 photo: (‘Venus’-type) female holding a bison horn, stone bas-relief from Laussel, Dordogne, France, Gravettian period (25,000/20,000-18,000-15,000BC[E])

#***&:- BUT: ‘... It is not possible to connect particular burial customs with particular notions of the beyond, or to any other religious conceptions.’ E[ncyclopaedia B[ritannica] 26:64 <900930>



Monday 18 April 2022

{Calculations of Redemption}[28th September 1990]

[Redbook7:341][19900928:1605]{Calculations of Redemption}[28th September 1990]



[A cutting from The Guardian for 19900928 inserted here in the ms, headed: ‘War predicted by Rabbi in 1964’ [by] ‘Ian Black in Jerusalem’ (which cannot be reproduced here for copyright reasons), reports on predictions made by Rabbi Chaim Shvili of Jerusalem in ‘Heshbonot HaGeula’ (‘Calculations of Redemption’, published in 1964, that ‘the “big war” between Gog and Magog preceding the ‘end of days’ and the advent of the Messiah would take place on the banks of the Tigris in Iraq.* It would involve “imperialist” powers supported by smaller countries,** including Arabs and Muslims.*** Israel would be attacked, but would survive triumphantly at the dawn of a new age of redemption. Rabbi Shvili said the war would take place after October 11, 1990. Weapons of “poisonous powder” would be used.**** The decisive battle would be at Basra’# (which he identified as being in south-eastern Jordan, near the Dead Sea, not at the head of the Persian Gulf)). ‘He predicted the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, the creation of Israel in 1948, and the Middle East wars of 1967 and 1973.’ ‘Rabbi Shvili said a contemporaneous development in the Soviet Union would enable scores of thousands of Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel – a prediction already come true.’ ]


Such retrospective predictions should, of course, be treated with caution: it’s surprising how easily the chronology of supporting evidence (eg publication dates) can be accidentally or deliberately falsified,#** | especially when journalists form a link in the chain. It will be interesting to see what happens next. It will be interesting anyway!

I note that the Rabbi can hardly have been more than 16 years old#*** when he prophesied the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. He died relatively young, in his mid-50’s.

[Fn ref]

{U[nited] N[ations] war}

{Subsequent civil war}



{& correct re subsequent civil war}









{? (Quite possibly)}

#*Ez[e]k[iel] 38-39;

R[e]v[elations] 20.

{IX. [[Redbook9:78][19910411:1858]{The Mahdi}[11th April 1991],] 79}

[See [Redbook7:185][19900802:2155]{Dream: Of a military expedition}[2nd August 1990], inc fns]

#**II. [[Redbook2:158-160][19791123:1850]{Religious Prophecy}[23rd November 1979],] 158ff

cf VI. [[Redbook6:328][19891022:1005][1968; & reference points in space][22nd October 1989], esp fn=***,] 328

#***[‘The Orthodox weekly Yom HaShishi … said Rabbi Shvili lived from 1918 to 1973’]


{Patience}[27th September 1990]

[Redbook7:340][19900927:0000]{Patience}[27th September 1990]



My children are training me well into their way of thinking.


For example, I found a pair of sunglasses on a shelf in the sitting-room, where probably [s] had removed it [to] from the bedroom drawer where it lives. A year ago I would have muttered darkly, and put it back where it came from; yesterday, I just left it.

As we train them, so we are ourselves trained – particularly into a kind of glad service in little things – things they cannot do themselves but require frequently, like getting a drink – which is almost wholly taken for granted: which is as it should be. Only in those things they can do for themselves do we gently encourage a little reciprocity.

I am certainly far more patient than I was two years ago – not yet patient enough;* but far more than I was. Much of this is thanks to (d) and (s), who have nobly put up with my poor state of development.

**For the first time that I can remember, if I haven’t finsh{ed} a particular section of work before I go to bed, I go thinking: ‘There’s always tomorrow’.

*{No indeed – far too bad-tempered}

