of Redemption}[28th September 1990]
cutting from The Guardian for 19900928 inserted here in the ms,
headed: ‘War predicted by Rabbi in 1964’ [by] ‘Ian Black in
Jerusalem’ (which cannot be reproduced here for copyright reasons),
reports on predictions made by Rabbi Chaim Shvili of Jerusalem in
‘Heshbonot HaGeula’ (‘Calculations of Redemption’, published
in 1964, that ‘the “big war” between Gog and Magog preceding
the ‘end of days’ and the advent of the Messiah would take place
on the banks of the Tigris in Iraq.* It would involve “imperialist”
powers supported by smaller countries,** including Arabs and
Muslims.*** Israel would be attacked, but would survive triumphantly
at the dawn of a new age of redemption. Rabbi Shvili said the war
would take place after October 11, 1990. Weapons of “poisonous
powder” would be used.**** The decisive battle would be at Basra’# (which he identified as being in south-eastern Jordan, near the Dead
Sea, not at the head of the Persian Gulf)). ‘He predicted the
Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, the creation of Israel in 1948,
and the Middle East wars of 1967 and 1973.’ ‘Rabbi Shvili said a
contemporaneous development in the Soviet Union would enable scores
of thousands of Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel – a prediction
already come true.’ ]
retrospective predictions should, of course, be treated with caution:
it’s surprising how easily the chronology of supporting evidence
(eg publication dates) can be accidentally or deliberately
falsified,#** | especially when journalists form a link in the chain.
It will be interesting to see what happens next. It will be
interesting anyway!
note that the Rabbi can hardly have been more than 16 years old#***
when he prophesied the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. He died
relatively young, in his mid-50’s.
N[ations] war}
civil war}
correct re
subsequent civil war}
(Quite possibly)}
Mahdi}[11th April 1991],] 79}
[Redbook7:185][19900802:2155]{Dream: Of a military expedition}[2nd
August 1990], inc fns]
Prophecy}[23rd November 1979],]
VI. [[Redbook6:328][19891022:1005][1968;
& reference points in space][22nd October 1989], esp fn=***,]
Orthodox weekly Yom HaShishi … said Rabbi Shvili lived from 1918 to