Tuesday 18 January 2022

{Mid-Teens Crisis}[11th September 1990]

[Redbook7:284][19900911:2033b]{Mid-Teens Crisis}[11th September 1990]



[A press-cutting from the Independent for 19900911:5 inserted here in the ms is headed ‘Belief in Christianity ‘fades in early teens’ by Mary Braid, Education Reporter. It includes the following: ‘Young people’s attitudes to Christianity deteriorate between the ages of 11 and 15, according to a survey of more than 6,000 Scottish secondary pupils. The decline is linked to a corresponding increase in their faith in the power of science and the prevalence of the belief that to be a Christian it is necessary to believe that God created the universe in six days. One in three pupils believed that Christians were committed to accept creationism – a view which changed little between 11 and 15. * The survey also found that pupils pleasure in studying science dropped from 59 per cent among 11-year-olds to 37 per cent among 15-year-olds. By contrast, those believing science will eventually give us complete control over the world increased from 22 percent at 11 to 29 percent at 15. While 46 per cent of 11-year-olds felt God helped them, only 29 per cent held that opinion at 15.’ ‘(“Attitude towards Christianity, creationism, scientism and interest in science among 11 to 15-year-old” [sic] by Francis, Gibson and Fulljames, British Journal of Religious Education, September 1990, volume 13, number 1)’]

So why does Christianity fade as the first 16-year Crisis-point approaches? – Well, because the +C†I~ of C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] is not identical ** to the Jesus Christ of Christianity as it is practised, being more archetypal and less incarnate. The O[uter] C[ircle] semicircle A~-G~-C tends to involve the destruction of whatever framework has operated for the Individual; if that framework, or a part of it, is Christianity, then Christianity is likely to disintegrate.***

Of course, I may understandably be accused of having it all ways....


*[It would have been interesting to have had a comparison with pupils from other parts of the United Kingdom, where the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and/or of dogmatic Protestant denominations might be less (or greater).]

**{Yeah, yeah?}

***{See [[Redbook7:284][1990090913:2209e]{Shaking-Out}[13th September 1990], 290-]291}

****{(See [[Redbook7:288][1990090913:2209]{Revival Cycles}[13th September 1990],] 288)}


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