Sunday 16 January 2022

{(Dream) … And a Reversing Railcar [continued]}[11th September 1990]

[Redbook7:282-283][19900911:1202d]{(Dream) … And a Reversing Railcar [continued]}[11th September 1990]



This* is, of course, a set ** of old symbolism in my dream experience: the hill with the Sea beyond,*** and the railway system.**** The river has appeared too,# although I think the spring may be new. I tend to see both the hilltop (with its two-way stream) and the reversing railway line as C-symbols, although the symbolism is not thoroughly consistent.

*[See last two previous entries, [Redbook7:281][1990090911:1202b]{Dreams: Of a Spring Diverted...}[11th September 1990]&f]

**ref: many, esp III. early []

***[III? &c?]





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