Friday 14 January 2022

{Dreams: Of a Spring Diverted...}[11th September 1990]

[Redbook7:281][19900911:1202b]{Dreams: Of a Spring Diverted...}[11th September 1990]


Two dreams during the last few days – since last Wednesday,* anyway, but on different nights** – are interesting taken together.

In the first, I was following a dried-up and overgrown watercourse or ditch to the flat top of a steepish hill. At a certain point on the top I found that it was running with water, but the wrong way: away from me. Tracing it back again, under the overgrowth, I found that someone had damned the ditch, which was fairly deep at this point – at least six feet, and a few feet wide. The dam was the other side of the spring from where I now stood, ie on the side up which I had climbed. The water seemed perhaps to run down the face of the vertical clay dam, so close was the dam to the spring (perhaps it was just a deeper-cut ditch, I now wonder?). I thought briefly of breaking the dam and restoring the flow back down the way I had come, but then suddenly looked out from the hill the way the water was flowing.

Below and in front of me was a green hillside, with trees etc I think, and perhaps some white houses lower down, and the stream running and gathering strength down the hill into a wide smooth bay of the Sea (it might have been a huge lake, but I could not see the other side).***


*ref [[Redbook7:276][19900905:1000]{[The […] Railway] Line}[5th September 1990]] 276

**and not later than Saturday[8th September] morning.

***{cf [1] (The Bay of Love);#

& Thomas Mann’s ‘The Magic Mountain’ (Hans Castorp’s Dream) – ref II … (late)

[[Redbook2:252-256][19821010:1330]{The Magic Mountain}[10th October 1982]ff]}

****{cf VIII: [] 114?;

XIV: [] 1

#[Per original ms of [1]; subsequently edited out, but preserved for intended use in another long fiction in the series]

[See next entry]


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