Friday 14 January 2022

{(Dream) … And a Reversing Railcar}[11th September 1990]

[Redbook7:282-283][19900911:1202c]{(Dream) … And a Reversing Railcar}[11th September 1990]



The second dream,* a day or more probably two days later, is what makes the pair disconcerting: in this dream I was riding backwards in a free-wheeling railway car down from the flattish woody summit of a rather gloomy hill. The railcar gathered speed but at some point slowed down for a reversal, in order to continue downhill.** At this stage the dream became confused and the railway complicated: it had seemed to be narrow gauge, now became possibly a model railway*** with a fairly complex reversing station.

*[See last previous entry]

**[A method of ascending steep hills or mountain faces found on some railway systems]

***{Such as I had intend[ed] also to sell in our planned specialist (Railway) & general bookshop?}



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