Monday 31 January 2022

{Integration of Cycles (1)}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:290][19900913:2209e]{Integration of Cycles (1)}[13th September 1990]



I note that religious, or at least Christian, cycles seem to be more consistently precise than economic cycles.*

I speculate that this is connected to the fact that religion (or at least Christianity) is a characteristic of the C degree, which is closest to the Spirit which moves this wheel; whereas economic activity is a characteristic of the A~ degree, which at least on the Outer Circle (or Ellipse)** is most separated from the Spirit.

I should then expect military history, on the one hand, and secular cultural history, on the other, to show varying degrees of consistency in precision, between these two classes of cycle (ie religious, or Christian; and economic).***

*ref VI [[Redbook6:329-332][19891025:0931b]{Economic Cycles}[25th October 1989],] 329

**[See [Redbook7:273-275][19900902:2325b]{Circles and Ellipses}[2nd September 1990]]

***In practical terms, economic activity is the least spontaneous of these four classes (of which G~ & M~ are closely interlinked, even indistinguishable, eg in politics): that is, economic activity is dependent on other human activity and on natural events, as well as eg regular natural cycles, whereas by comparison genuine revivalism is spontaneous, or at least arguably so. <900914>

[& see [Redbook7:323-326][19900923:1945h]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements}[23rd September 1990]]

[→[Redbook7:291][19900914:0940]{Integration of Cycles (2)}[14th September 1990]]


Sunday 30 January 2022

{Revival Cycles (2) (continued)[continued]}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:289][19900913:2209d]{Revival Cycles (2) (continued)[continued]}[13th September 1990]



To get back to the point:* here we are in 1990, during another 64C-M~/g~ sector, and it’s the rise of the Charismatic movement, the Decade of Evangelism, and an Evangelical Archbishop....

*[See last previous entry; & last previous entry but two, [Redbook7:288][19900913:2209]{Revival Cycles (2)}[13th September 1990]]

[See next entry but one]


Saturday 29 January 2022

{Revival Cycles (2) (continued)*}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:289][19900913:2209c]{Revival Cycles (2) (continued)*}[13th September 1990]



The pattern of [hash-marked] revivals,** which are those identified precisely in the E[nyclopaedia] B[ritannica] article on Revivalism*** (ie those after c1700, and basically Anglo-American), seems unmistakeable: only when the Churches start to force things do we find evangelism waves outlasting the C-M~/g~ sector of the 64-year cycle. But at G~/m~ we find a kind of pre-echo of a freer, more artistic religious spirit, with the Shakers in the first 2 cycles (c1776 and c1840), and perhaps the Flower Children of the Sixties in the most recent.

(The period from 1888 64A~**** to 1952 64A~**** is a blank in other ways too, more so in its centre. It is, of course, the 512G~ sector, so I suppose could represent some form of breakdown of patterns,# being most powerful with the C represented by international war (1914-18)#* which is more usually a sign of M~.)

*[Redbook7:288][19900913:2209]{Revival Cycles (2)}[13th September 1990]

**[See previous last entry but one*]

***E[nyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 10:9

****(or do I mean A~64?!)

Let this notation evolve!)

#(But then, if this G~ period shows less of (its own internal) patterns, why are females so much more subject to (externally imposed) patterns than males? Or are they?)

#*See elsewhere in VII.... []



Friday 28 January 2022

{Testing: Identification of Significant Event-Clusters}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:289][19900913:2209b]{Testing: Identification of Significant Event-Clusters}[13th September 1990]



(It’s interesting how the pattern* only emerges in the main E[nyclopaedia] B[ritannica] article on Revivalism:** in the main E[nyclopaedia] B[ritannica] article on Protestantism,*** the detail is too complex for any pattern to be easily discerned.

This suggests, or rather encourages (because I had already thought of it), a method of matching historical trends to the C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] pattern (or not):**** let encyclopaedists and other broad-brush historians ignorant of C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] identify the trends, then compare these results – which already exist – with C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis].)

*[See last previous entry]

**E[nyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 10:9

***E[nyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 26:205

****ie as a validity-testing procedure.

ref [[Redbook7:277][19900905:2312c]{Testing Times}[5th September 1990],] 277


Wednesday 26 January 2022

{Revival Cycles (2)}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:288][19900913:2209]{Revival Cycles (2)}[13th September 1990]


Indications* of a part-planned evangelical revival prompt me to clarify (periodically)** the Revival cycle, this time*** emphasising the periods precisely identified in the main E[nyclopaedia] B[ritannica] entry;**** thus:#









1734-5 Conversions began in ‘G[reat] A[wakening]’

#?1720-1750 The American ‘Great Awakening’ (part of a larger revival in Europe & America)

1738 John Wesley’s ‘Aldersgate Street experience’. Rise of Methodism







(Start of success of Shakers in America)




#1795-1835 The American ‘2nd Great Awakening’







(Peak of Shakers.) Revival? (See 85, above:*** per C[hannel] 4 [TV] programme?




#1857-58 American ‘Prayer Meeting Revival’ (following financial panic)

#1859-61 Revival in England & Northern Ireland



#1873-75 Moody tours British Isles & starts new wave of Anglo-U.S. revivalism

(Shakers advertising for members)



#(1875-1915 Officially organised revivalism by Moody &c)










#(Officially sponsored mass evangelism ‘crusades’ of Billy Graham &c [start])



(Only a few Shakers left)




(Rise of Charismatic movement)



1990-2000 ‘Decade of Evangelism’


*(ref [The] Ind[ependent] 900913:16 Art: on the charismatic movement & evangelicism generally)

**[Presumably, clarifying the periodicity rather than doing it periodically]

***(cf [Ref [Redbook7:85][19900313:1528b]{Revival Cycles (1)}[13th March 1990] &ant,] 85)

****E[nyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 10:9; (10:690)[;] (26:205ff)

[entry after next, [Redbook7:289][19900913:2209c]{Revival Cycles (2) (continued)}[13th September 1990]]


{Lunar Cycles [continued]}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:287-288][19900913:1402]{Lunar Cycles [continued]}[13th September 1990]


[W] points out – in this connection* – that on Thursday (11th Sep[ember])** we were both depressed. This may have been to do with tiredness – but it would also be the ‘A’ degree of this cycle,*** as near as no matter.

*[See last previous entry]

**([[Redbook7:278][1990090911:1036]{Fusion Child*}[11th September 1990]] 278- [[Redbook7:284][1990090911:2033b]{Mid-Teens Crisis}[11th September 1990]] 284)

***[[Redbook7:285-286][1990090913:1128]{Female Cycles}[13th September 1990]]


Tuesday 25 January 2022

{Lunar Cycles}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:287-288][19900913:1128e]{Lunar Cycles}[13th September 1990]



As it happens, I noticed that the Moon reached full disc a few days after the end of the last O[uter] C[ircle] cycle (ie after the end of menstruation).* There is, of course, supposed to be a link between the full moon and homicide – for example, according to The Independent on Sunday a few weeks ago, if I remember rightly, the Central Park gang rape and assault on a young financier(?), which left her for dead and brain-damaged, occurred on a night of full moon.

If my recollection is correct, high(est) tides at Springs follow the full moon by a few days.**


*[See [Redbook7:285-286][1990090913:1128]{Female Cycles}[13th September 1990]]

**[Not particularly; & they occur during the new moon as well]



Sunday 23 January 2022

{Female Cycles (continued)}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:287][19900913:1128d]{Female Cycles (continued)}[13th September 1990]




It’s very easy for a husband to to get sucked into the wife’s O[uter] C[ircle] cycle: through obvious transference mechanisms, or simple reaction.  

If he deliberately attempts an I[nner] C[ircle] contra-rotation,** he may be able to protect himself from this; he may even be able to bring some contra-rotating I[nner] C[ircle] influence to her cycle.

*[[Redbook7:286][1990090913:1128b]{Female Cycles [continued]}[13th September 1990]→]

**[See last previous entry but one, [Redbook7:286][1990090913:1128b]{Female Cycles [continued]}[13th September 1990]]


{The Course of True Love}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:287][19900913:1128c]{The Course of True Love}[13th September 1990]



(Some time ago, immediately after that long note on love, sex etc* I think, I meant to note that the course of True Love is an I[nner] C[ircle] course:



*(ref [[Redbook7:266][19900827:2250e]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (18)]}[27th August 1990],] 266)

**[[Redbook7:250][19900826:1728d]{The Three Loves}[26th August 1990]]



Saturday 22 January 2022

{Female Cycles [continued]}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:286][19900913:1128b]{Female Cycles [continued]}[13th September 1990]



I suppose that in marriage husbands just have to be loving and strong about this:* starting with a degree of self-sacrifice,** which implies a contra-rotating inner circle.*** This will bring inward action and harmony to the worst of P[re-] M[enstrual] T[ension] and the menstrual period itself (into which P[re-] M[enstrual] T[ension] often seems to extend).

Poor [W] is unwell in any case: the monthly cycle is only one of her burdens.

*[See last previous entry]

**[cf [Redbook7:256-257][19900827:1050d]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (4)]}[27th August 1990]]

***[See [Redbook7:287][1990090913:1128d]{Female Cycles (continued)}[13th September 1990]]

[→ Next journal entry but one, [Redbook7:287][1990090913:1128d]{Female Cycles (continued)}[13th September 1990]]


Tuesday 18 January 2022

{Female Cycles}[13th September 1990]

[Redbook7:285-286][19900913:1128]{Female Cycles}[13th September 1990]


It’s interesting to look at the date of * my long and rather sad (in its implications) entry on sex and love a couple of weeks ago: 27th August. It arose out of acute sexual and emotional frustration: as it appeared to me, my marriage was fairly loveless. A few days later, everything was alright again: free communication and intercourse between us. For a week or two, everything continued fine. Now, little more than a couple of weeks later, things start to get difficult again: the sort of questions which in the first two weeks are regarded as reasonable and necessary for the running of a family – roughly how long will you be out, so I can plan my work after I don’t have sole care of the children? – How much money are you going to spend {(as we don’t have very much)}? – are resented and evaded; hurtful remarks are made, and protests returned** that it was just a joke, ie my fault for taking it seriously.

Of course, this is nothing new to me or to ***many other husbands; but it[’]s tedious and unpleasant.


We are here today, I think! (Average 28-day cycle)#

*ref [[Redbook7:254-266][19900827:1050c]{Love, Sex and Marriage}[27th August 1990]:

[Redbook7:255][19900827:1050d]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued]}[27th August 1990]ff,] 255ff (0827)


*** [‘m’ inserted]

****[See # above]

#[See in diagram above **** (above), in main text]



{Ancient Wisdom}[12th September 1990]

[Redbook7:285][19900912:2400]{Ancient Wisdom}[12th September 1990]



I suppose some sort of maturity is evidenced by realisation that even if there is some validity in C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis], it doesn’t have to be me that proclaims it – it is an idea that has occurred before, is occurring now, and no doubt will occur again.

The road to this happy state of mind begins some way back but passes through independence from {(parental)} family expectations; rejection by the Church; responsibility for, and love of, my wife and my children; and even an article on trains in the [local newspaper] – among others.

It is a happy state of release: not dissimilar to Islam, Surrender to God’s Will or Providence.
