Wednesday 23 September 2020

{Not Tonight}[20th November 1989]*

 [Redbook6:350][19891120:0930c]{Not Tonight}[20th November 1989]*



‘Jewish married couples were supposed to “be fruitful and multiply” on Friday night[,] if the purity laws permitted.’

Rabbi Lionel Blue, ‘Bolts from the Blue’, p[age] 40.

And Friday, the day of Freya (‘Lady’), who became the Scandinavian goddess of love, marriage and fertility, and was probably a sybil,** is of course also the French Vendredi, dies Veneris, or Venus’ day; and on the outer circle of the week comes somewhere like this (depending slightly on what C is):


– so Friday night is late G~, early R~. on an inner circle, of course, it would be late m~, early s~.****

*[...a Monday!]

**(Everyman’s Dictionary of non-classical mythology[:] ‘Freya’)

***{cf IV: [[Redbook4:265-266][19871227:1000b]{The Working Week}[27th December 1987] ] 265 (?)}

****[The point presumably being that the Quality of r~ (inner R~) is Love and of s~, Harmony]

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