Friday 17 January 2020

{Love and Sex (5) [continued (5)]}[3rd August 1989]

[Redbook6:193][19890803:0908h]{Love and Sex (5) [continued (5)]}[3rd August 1989]


Interestingly, the two [CAS] positions of sex (on circle and line)* are joined by the notorious (to me, at any rate) link-line between r~ and a~, which I may have sometimes known as the Death Line (probably incorrectly); it could be the Dancing or Dancer’s Line, but the Dragon Line is probably elsewhere (g~-u~?). These fairly arbitrary names relate to the appropriate symbols, characteristics and concepts.

But the dynamic circle brings out the fact that sex, although in one sense (if based on Love) {it} is very close to the Spiritual Highest on the Circle, has in another sense the furthest to go before it achieves the Spiritual Highest on the Circle. I think this brings out well the confusion about sex as a spiritual activity, and why different religions have (as in the case, I think, of no other practice)** taken diametrically opposed views on sex.***

*{(ie dynamic and static)}

**[but cf Human sacrifice? Perhaps this should be qualified as ‘modern’ religions]

***{→} cf [[Redbook6:212-213][19890818:1554]{Love and Sex (6)}[18th August 1989],] 212ff


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