Tuesday 7 January 2020

{Love and Sex (4)}[2nd August 1989]

[Redbook6:181-185][19890802:1734]{Love and Sex (4)}[2nd August 1989]


*I suppose that my interest in the relationship of sexuality and the Spirit arises because I am a person both strongly sexual and strongly spiritual; and I know that unless I can integrate these impulses, I shall not be able to integrate myself. The conflict arises because I recognise both the base and the sacred in sexuality and sexual intercourse [(]– as, indeed, there are evil spirits as well as the Holy Spirit of God, the former being Man’s distortions of the latter[)]. I recognise also that even as a neutral force, sexuality can lead to the same sort of material and worldly complications as can (for example) money.

I believe I can distinguish between these sexual impulses which are initiated and reveal themselves predominantly within the Individual, and those that are initiated and act predominantly without, ie externally: the former being natural and intuitive, the latter involving an attempt to impose the will upon another or others – the will to sex. As in all these matters, there are few or no clear divisions: but one should know where one is. There is a difference, for example, between sexual attraction for a loved one, and the same for a striptease artiste; just as there is a difference between sexual attraction arising in the course of a loving relationship between two adults well known to each other, and sexual attraction for another provoked by her (or his) seductive manner of dress and movement.

*[[Redbook6:177-178][19890801:1226]{Love and Sex (3)}[1st August 1989],] 177 →



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