Friday 10 January 2020

{Love and Sex (4) [continued (4)]}[2nd August 1989]

[Redbook6:184-185][19890802:1734d]{Love and Sex (4) [continued (4)]}[2nd August 1989]


I would not think that the Holy Man (or Woman) is necessarily without sexual impulse: look at Isaiah 8:3.* But in him or her the sexual impulse is entirely internalised;** that is to say, it arises consciously or intuitively within him when it suits him, and not in response to external provocation or stimulation. Such a person would be immune to seduction (except, perhaps, by love and through Love, which is not really what I mean by seduction); he or she would certainly be safe from the sort of accidental external stimulation which might occur at an inappropriate moment, intended by nobody.

It is at this point that the nakedness of innocence, such as is experienced in infancy, can be regained, and the sort of communal mixed-sex all-age changing-and-bath-rooms of which I wrote a few years ago*** in ‘Report from Treganella’,*** which seem so promiscuous to our prurient minds,**** can become a real aid to, and part of, total spiritual communion impregnating# the whole of communal life, by the engendering, in perfect innocence, of mutual intimacy and trust.

*[Isaiah 8:3: ‘Then I made love to the prophetess, and she conceived and gave birth to a son. And the Lord said to me, “Name him Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.”’ (New International Version of the Bible)]

**Once the sexual impulse is internalised,#** a man of high spiritual development may find that no occasions will arise when it is actually relevant: he will then become, at his own choice and easily, without sexuality.

***[Actually 1975. See [Redbook6:171-173][19890730:1801]{Christian Communities}[30th July 1989]]

****[But not in Russia, traditionally; and see also (eg) the 1997 film “Starship Troopers”]

#[That word again; see last previous entry, fn**]

#*(In such a community, it would, I guess, seem as strange to wear any clothing while bathing [eg in the sea] as it would to walk naked in the street; but I am speculating) <890803>

#**‘Internalised’ is not quite the word I want; I hope that the meaning for which I use it is clear from the context (above, [this journal entry] p184). Perhaps ‘inner-generated’ would better convey my meaning, if I add that it by definition excludes any other kind of generation (ie arousal).
[& see [Redbook6:181-185][19890802:1734]{Love and Sex (4)}[2nd August 1989]]



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