Friday 3 January 2020

{Love and Sex (3)}[1st August 1989]

[Redbook6:177-178][19890801:1226]{Love and Sex (3)}[1st August 1989]


I should not like it thought that the spiritual love to which I have referred* was in some way anti-physical, or even non-physical. It is, of course, the Love which binds the Spirit of God in one to the Spirit of God in another, in others: the closest they can come while still separated from the ultimate and absolute Union and One-ness with and of God the Spirit. But as we are embodied, so our bodies express our Souls and Spirit; and as we may express our Spirit and our Soul in and through our own body, so we may love the expression of another’s Spirit and Soul through his or her own body. In principle, the bodies may be clothed or naked** – nakedness expressing the potential for innocence and intimacy –, of the same or opposite sex, adult or child. In practice, each of us should know the power of nature in himself and in others to drag us down to self-gratification, in her*** own interest, the interest of propagating the race.****

*ref [[Redbook6:173-175][19890731:1141b]{Love and Sex (2)}[30th July 1989],] p173ff
[Underlining added later]

**{cf V. [[Redbook5:277-278][19880814:1130e]{Dream Nakedness}[14th August 1988],] 277}

***{ie Nature’s}
{This is, of course, a short-hand: I do not think of Nature that ‘she’ is a person, physical or spiritual}

****[species, presumably: the expression ‘the Human Race’ was still quite common at the time of this journal entry]



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