Tuesday 6 November 2018

{Chaotic Determinism (+ Extracts) [continued (7)]}[3rd August 1988]

[Redbook5:251][19880803:1949c]{Chaotic Determinism (+ Extracts) [continued (7)]}[3rd August 1988]


*‘The Great Red Spot: Real and Simulated. The Voyager satellite revealed Jupiter’s surface as a seething, turbulent fluid, with horizontal bands of east-west flow. The Great Red Spot seen from above the planet’s equator, and also in a view looking down on the South Pole.
Computer graphics from Philip Marcus’s simulation present the South Pole view. The colour shows the direction of spin for particular pieces of fluid: pieces turning counterclockwise are red, and pieces turning clockwise are blue.** No matter what the starting configuration, clumps of blue tend to break up,*** while the red tends to merge into a single spot,**** stable and coherent amid the surrounding tumult.’#


*Points of particular relevance to C[ircles] A[nalysis]. <880807>

**(Is this within the context of Jupiter’s own spin?)(et al? [sic])

***(ie clockwise spinning)

****(ie anticlockwise spinning)

#– Ibid [Gleick, ‘Chaos, Making a New Science’, Heinemann, London, 1988], pp172-3, Photos Inserts Caption)
(My single-underlined emphasis)



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