Sunday 4 November 2018

{Chaotic Determinism (+ Extracts) [continued (5)]}[3rd August 1988]

[Redbook5:250][19880803:1949]{Chaotic Determinism (+ Extracts) [continued (5)]}[3rd August 1988]


‘En route to chaos in this region was a cascade of period-doublings, the splitting of two-cycles into four-cycles, four-cycles into eight-cycles, and so on. These splittings made a fascinating pattern. They were the points at which a slight change in fecundity, for example, might lead a population of gypsy moths to change from a four-year cycle to an eight-year cycle.’*

*Ibid [Gleick, ‘Chaos, Making a New Science’, Heinemann, London, 1988], 171
cf IV [[Redbook4:58][19870819(&20):0000]{Life Circles}[19th August 1987]], 58 ‘Life Circles’.



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