Friday 16 November 2018

{Chaotic Determinism (+ Extracts) [continued (17)]}[4th August 1988]

[Redbook5:257][19880804:1705d]{Chaotic Determinism (+ Extracts) [continued (17)]}[4th August 1988]


‘A physicist thinking of ideas* as regions with fuzzy boundaries, separate yet overlapping, pulling like magnets and yet letting go, would naturally turn to the image of a phase space with “basins of attraction”.’**

‘Simple systems give rise to complex behaviour. And most important, the laws of complexity hold universally, caring not at all for the details of a system’s constituent atoms.’***

*(Author’s [ie ibid] emphasis)

**Ibid [Gleick, ‘Chaos, Making a New Science’, Heinemann, London, 1988], p299

***Ibid, p304



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