Tuesday 16 October 2018

{The Sphere [continued (36)] – Inside the Sphere [continued (8)]}[29th July 1988]

[Redbook5:238][19880729:0120]{The Sphere [continued (36)] – Inside the Sphere [continued (8)]}[29th July 1988]


I believe that if you join together by straight lines the six ‘poles’ or vertices of the three perpendicular discs within the sphere, the resulting enclosed space is the Diamond or Jewel shape, described earlier* as a vision of the Holy City,** as if suspended above the centre of the […] hill and of the [...]land….

*(ref III.[[Redbook3:31-32][19870326:1543m]{Image: The City of Light}[26th March 1987],] 31-32)

**[Described as] The City of Light, actually, or the Ultimate City….
[& with no apparent reference to the specific shape – “It is a City in Abstract: a City of Light, whose Form and Structure is Clear Light and whose Citizens are one with its Structure – so far as I can tell. The City shows slightly different facets, and seems to move, as the Light moves; but whether this is really so, I cannot say. It is enough to have seen it, and I hope to continue to see it, or at least to keep the memory of that Jewel in my mind's eye, as I go around. [Redbook3:31-32][19870326:1543m]{Image: The City of Light}[26th March 1987] ]



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