Friday 5 October 2018

{The Sphere [continued (25)] – The Zodiac in the Sphere}[27th July 1988]

[Redbook5:232][19880727:1120]{The Sphere [continued (25)] – The Zodiac in the Sphere}[27th July 1988]

The 2-hemisphere model is, of course, in concept beautifully consistent with the Astrological Zodiac, or rather with the entire Night Sky, which appears to us as the inside of a vast sphere roughly divided by the Zodiac into 2 hemispheres.

In practice, the way in which the Ancients drew their Sky Map of the Northern Hemisphere may be more 2-dimensional.

I have tended to see the Northern Hemisphere Sky as leading in towards more and more ‘powerful’ figures and symbols as one moves towards the centre, although there is tremendous ambiguity in this (e.g. Draco?). (In this case, [the] Southern Cross might be at or near the Physical Universe hub, the Pole Star (currently Thuban) at or near the Spiritual Kingdom hub). But I should not count on this: Astrology may may not have conceived of this extra dimension, and may simply be writing a 2-dimensional map with its limitations. It might be more appropriate to see this as a representation of the Spiritual Journey through the Physical Universe, ie the Interface of the two – the [O] representation.



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