Thursday 9 August 2018

{[xS] visiting}[1st July 1988]

[Redbook5:199-200][19880701.1753d]{[xS] visiting}[1st July 1988]


On several occasions in recent weeks I have been visited by experiences of '[xS]' (R[~]). These experiences, of inner representation bound together by a unique Quality, are far more intimate than those related last year;* they are loving, trusting, and intensely real.

*III.[[Redbook3:103-104][19870404:1005l](INNOCENCE{:[xS]})[4th April 1987],] 103.
[[Redbook3:143-146][19870408:1218d](DREAMS OF xP & xS [continued](:Dream of xS (etc.)))[8th April 1987],] 144[;]

cf [Next entry but one: [Redbook5:200-202][19880702:0914]{[xS] is here}[2nd July 1988],] 200,
[[Redbook5:93-94][19880318:1955b]{Dream of Inner xS}[18th March 1988],] 93,
[[Redbook5:111][19880324:1207b]{xL and xS [continued]}[24th March 1988],] 111.

**But the eyes are a darker blue than in [2]....


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