Sunday 21 May 2017

{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (5)]}[13th December 1987]

[Redbook4:221-222][19871213:2005e]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (5)]}[13th December 1987]


I have recently been subject to a number of sleeping or awakening dreams of one or more fair-haired girls*, generally naked, sometimes in situations like changing- (or shower-?) rooms ***(but this last may be my half-conscious gloss to explain the situation). I am generally in bed with [W] (in actuality) when these dreams occur. While these dreams have not generally bothered me, I have not been particularly proud of them.

However, two features of these fair-haired girls are worth noting: first, that (although they are naked) I am not aware of their genitalia (I do NOT mean that they do not have breasts and pubic hair, simply that in the inner vision their genital organs, including breasts, are de-emphasised in a way which would not, I think, be possible in visual art);** second, that we have intense eye-contact.

It is, I think, from their eyes, expression and posture that I know they are female: or perhaps I just know it. It seems fairly clear now that they are simply more manifestations, or projections, versions or types of the Fair-haired girl as spiritual guide. ***I am (or hope I am), after all, at or just after the Transformation Point of the Inner Circle, which is where “female” influence predominates. In short, I believe them to be psychic manifestations of Angelic Qualities.****

*[See last previous entry.]
See [[Redbook4:235][19871219:0105]{Child-ish and Child-like}[19th December 1987],] 235.

**cf. the naked Angels on the tomb of the Pretenders in St. Peter's, Rome; no doubt there are other examples. <891005>
[But cf. [Redbook3:134-138][19870406:2300](SEX AND GENDER)[6th April 1987], 1st para(!). <20170319>]
[It’s worth noting also that much of the writer’s childhood from about 5 to about 15 was spent in a remote rural location where naked swimming and sunbathing was the rule in groups including family and friends of all ages and both sexes, i.e. nakedness was from an early age associated with socialising rather than sex. (cf. [Redbook1:26][19680416:2250]{The Lake}[16th April 1968][Age 16].)]

But VI. [] 272 <891006>
{cf. XVI []}

***(cf.II. [([Redbook2:335-336][19840516:2330]{A Dream of Drowning, and Angelic Visitation}[16th May 1984] (presumably, but see also the immediately preceding entry)] 335)
Nakedness: of Simplification and Love
Changing-room: of the Transformation
Shower-room: of Water.

****Since writing this these visions have not recurred: perhaps because they are now understood and accepted. <19871219>
(But see later.) <891005>



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