Friday 5 May 2017

{The Transfer of Burdens and the Forgiveness of Sins [continued (7)] – (3) The Knowledge of God and Evil [continued(2)]}[10th December 1987]

[Redbook4:209-210][19871210:2315h]{The Transfer of Burdens and the Forgiveness of Sins [continued (7)] – (3) The Knowledge of God and Evil [continued(2)]}[10th December 1987]


'Jesus said: “Forgive them, Father! They don't know what they are doing.”'* As one might expect – this Crucifixion prayer shows a greater awareness of the Divine Order of things (according to this**theory). At the same time it raises difficult questions about the exact nature of the whole process.**

The obvious implication is that because they did not know that they were doing wrong***, they will**** be forgiven (and e.g. go to Heaven, or whatever). But the ***wrong-doing is not made wrong only by the knowledge of it: it is always wrong-doing.

Then again, as no act is evil of itself,# the evil must exist in their minds even if they are not aware that it is evil.#* Evil is therefore both inward (mental) and real (objective).#** If evil stains the Soul, it must do so objectively, i.e. whether or not the wrong-doer is aware that it is evil. His ignorance is due, not so much to innocence, as to an undeveloped Conscience, i.e. a failure to know God and Evil.

(Knowledge of God and Evil comes, incidentally, I guess, at the Transformation point of Cycles – any Cycle#*** – at R~; Everlasting Life is at S~: the Serpent,#**** then, may be the Circles.)

The fate of the ignorant Man's Soul will be the same as the fate of the {Soul of the} Man who has been warned – with one crucial## qualification. The Man who has been warned of the danger, and persists in evil, cannot be forgiven for so doing as long as he##* persists. The initiative therefore rests primarily with him. The Man who has not been warned is awaiting the initiative of God {(i.e. Christ)}. He has the best opportunity to repent and clear his Soul, as soon as he is made aware of the true state of affairs. It is perhaps to this that the prayer – 'Forgive them, Father! For [sic] they don't know what they are doing.'* – refers.

*Luke XXIII.34
32 And there were also two other, malefactors, led with him to be put to death.
33 And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.
34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
(Authorised/King James Version of the Bible)

**[See last previous entries from [Redbook4:206-211][19871210:2315b]{The Transfer of Burdens and the Forgiveness of Sins – (1) Transfer}[10th December 1987], presumably.]

***'wrong' = ? <891003> [cf. Earlier entries re the righting of wrongs which suggest that a wrong can be something done to someone who is wronged by it, which presumably if so defined can be done without any evil intent or even perhaps any awareness of the wronging act; e.g. [Redbook3:101-102][19870404:1005k]{The Righting of Wrongs}[4th April 1987], ff.]

****[or should?]

#ref [(presumably)[Redbook4:181][19871129:2107g]{The Weight of Sin (1) [continued (4)] – Staining the Soul}[29th November 1987],] p181

#*So an act can be wrong in itself, but not evil in itself? <891003> [& see fn *** above. <20170504>]

#**[cf.? [Redbook3:118-131][19870405:1057](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE{1})[5th April 1987]ff;
[Redbook3:184-193][19870414:1003](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE (2))[14th April 1987]ff;&c.]

#***(often very early – not just when the Individual's main life-cycles transform.)

#****[?Serpens ,& Ophiuchus (sometimes referred to as the 13th sign of the Zodiac, between Scorpius and Sagittarius)?]

##[As it were.]

##*[{Underlining} added later.]



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