Tuesday 30 May 2017

{Schizophrenia (1) [continued (5)] – Continuation and Recurrence}[14th December 1987]

[Redbook4:228-229][19871214:2010g]{Schizophrenia (1) [continued (5)] – Continuation and Recurrence}[14th December 1987]

19871214. 2010

Why* are some people continually or recurrently schizophrenic (or, for example, depressed)? There are two ways of answering this,* probably linked.

First, that if statistics show people of certain Circle birth-periods to have a significantly higher chance of appropriate Circle states, this suggests exactly what it says: preponderant influences of specific Circle sectors in particular Individuals.**

But second, I speculate that the further you are radially from the centre, the less dynamic you are, i.e. the less you move:*** in Tarot terms, these would be the number cards, 1-10, of each suit (Hearts or Cups, Clubs or Rods, Diamonds or Plates, Spades or Swords). Everyone knows**** the pedantic old buffer who has always been dry, pedantic, boring and often rather arrogant, ever since youth or even childhood; similarly there are people who will enter mental institutions early in life and stay there until they die.

The fact that this is at least as likely to be traceable to physical defects as to recognised mental illnesses (such as manic depression)# should not surprise us: we are, after all, using a system of analysis which claims to describe the lives of Human Individuals, Earth Years, Civilisations and Stars, as well as the Universe itself. Aaah, got there at last!

*[in Circle terms <20170530>]

**{Bearing in mind the other influences working against it, birthdate influence may be far stronger than it seems.}

***[Geometrically, physically, the opposite would presumably be the case. <20170329> See [Redbook4:251][19871221:1955]{The Tarot Pack [continued (3)]}[21st December 1987]]

****[Some of us ARE the p.o.b. (&c.). <20170329>]

#[Distinction unclear. <20170329>]


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