Tuesday 30 May 2017

{Schizophrenia (1) [continued (5)] – Continuation and Recurrence}[14th December 1987]

[Redbook4:228-229][19871214:2010g]{Schizophrenia (1) [continued (5)] – Continuation and Recurrence}[14th December 1987]

19871214. 2010

Why* are some people continually or recurrently schizophrenic (or, for example, depressed)? There are two ways of answering this,* probably linked.

First, that if statistics show people of certain Circle birth-periods to have a significantly higher chance of appropriate Circle states, this suggests exactly what it says: preponderant influences of specific Circle sectors in particular Individuals.**

But second, I speculate that the further you are radially from the centre, the less dynamic you are, i.e. the less you move:*** in Tarot terms, these would be the number cards, 1-10, of each suit (Hearts or Cups, Clubs or Rods, Diamonds or Plates, Spades or Swords). Everyone knows**** the pedantic old buffer who has always been dry, pedantic, boring and often rather arrogant, ever since youth or even childhood; similarly there are people who will enter mental institutions early in life and stay there until they die.

The fact that this is at least as likely to be traceable to physical defects as to recognised mental illnesses (such as manic depression)# should not surprise us: we are, after all, using a system of analysis which claims to describe the lives of Human Individuals, Earth Years, Civilisations and Stars, as well as the Universe itself. Aaah, got there at last!

*[in Circle terms <20170530>]

**{Bearing in mind the other influences working against it, birthdate influence may be far stronger than it seems.}

***[Geometrically, physically, the opposite would presumably be the case. <20170329> See [Redbook4:251][19871221:1955]{The Tarot Pack [continued (3)]}[21st December 1987]]

****[Some of us ARE the p.o.b. (&c.). <20170329>]

#[Distinction unclear. <20170329>]


{Schizophrenia (1) [continued (4)] – Meaning and Matter [continued]}[14th December 1987]

[Redbook4:227-228][19871214:2010f]{Schizophrenia (1) [continued (4)] – Meaning and Matter [continued]}[14th December 1987]

19871214. 2010

More broadly, it* reminds us that that information, or meaning, is not physically linked with the physical World,** but only meaningfully linked with the physical World. It is my contention that information or meaning can by its own terms of reference in concept or theory exist without physical media, even though its subject (what it is about) is (may be or must be – singularity or plurality – The One or Creation)*** the physical World, or rather the separated World. Meaning (or Quality, here, as opposed to Property) exists parallel to Property (i.e. Physical existence) and is neither cause nor effect of it, but may be about it.

Precisely the same argument, at a more applied level, explains why for all the physical correlations of schizophrenia #(including intriguing ones such as links with handedness and brain hemisphere dominance), a Quality of meaning, such as Love, may play a part in the transformation of the sufferer.

*[See last previous entry.]

**A philosophical controversy!


****(This is not Overdetermination – per Cussins, T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] [op. Cit.] – because meaning can affect property: like the meaning in light.)

#{See [[Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987],] p232.}



Monday 29 May 2017

{Schizophrenia (1) [continued (3)] – Meaning and Matter}[14th December 1987]

[Redbook4:226-227][19871214:2010e]{Schizophrenia (1) [continued (3)] – Meaning and Matter}[14th December 1987]

19871214. 2010

*But (I imagine clinicians to argue) Schizophrenia is demonstrably linked to chemicals – to diet – to genes – perhaps to viruses. Where does Love come into this? In the same way, in the T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] review** of a new book, The Evolution of the Soul,*** objection is made that the Soul cannot exist separate [sic] from**** the body and brain because (as I understand the argument) if the brain# affects the Soul#*, which affects the Soul [sic – see footnotes # & #*]#**, which affects the brain, a net gain or loss of energy may occur in the system, defying the physical rule of conservation of energy.

In fact this objection (as I have expressed it) must surely be wrong: if light enters the eyes and conveys a message of information [to] the brain, surely we do not expect the energy increase in the brain to match the energy in the light? The Soul, like any sensory impression, is an information pattern.

What this does suggest (although I do not know whether it necessitates the conclusion) is that the Soul, if it exists,#*** is separate from the brain, just as light or sound is separate from the brain: otherwise the conservation law perhaps would be breached.

*[See last previous entry.]

**this week, by Adrian Cussins.

***R.[?] Swinburne, Clarendon Press.

****but interactive with.

#**[or possibly there is simply an accidental repetition here of the words “which affects the Soul,” – this seems the most likely explanation.]

[See [Redbook4:87-88][19871003:1650d]{Souls}[3rd October 1987] ]



Saturday 27 May 2017

{Schizophrenia (1) [continued]}[14th December 1987]

[Redbook4:226][19871214:2010d]{Schizophrenia (1) [continued]}[14th December 1987]

19871214. 2010

What is the end result of all this?* **Crisis, of course, has two outcomes on the Circles: 
{(1)} Another Outer Circle, by Attraction, and what would presumably [be] described as a 'complete recovery' – back in harness, career picked up again, etc.; or 
{(2)} the Transformation Point, to the Inner Circle, by the Power of Love.  
If this is correct, it suggest treatment of schizophrenics by remoulding our Society locally around them, to give them Love, rather than attracting them and remoulding them back into our Society.*** Not that Love necessarily needs to be locally expressed – if xP (J~) in [2] is right, and I believe she is, Love is the link which acts at any distance; it is perhaps Prayer, or at least the Wings of a Prayer – but for those sorely in need of Love, and confused, Love must be plainly expressed.

*[See last previous entry.]

**I wonder whether epileptics are more likely to be born in Jan/December? {(or June/July?} The only one I know was born end of July. [– ref. last previous entry.]

***{Hasn't this been tried?}

****cf. [[Redbook4:199-200][19871206:1235e]{Sense and Sensibility (2)}[6th December 1987] (presumably),] p199 (foot).

{To [[Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987],] 230.}



{Schizophrenia (1)}[14th December 1987]

[Redbook4:225-229][19871214:2010c]{Schizophrenia (1)}[14th December 1987]

19871214. 2010

This* is where the **placing of schizophrenia in January-March (R~, G~) – and anxiety (and creativity) around May (J~) – becomes of importance. The schizophrenic symptoms of voices,*** dissociation etc. are (as I think I have remarked before) characteristic of the awakening of, or access to and from, different levels of the mind at G~ - R~ when suppressed by the conscious awareness (generally due to external pressures upon it).****

Anxiety – nervous breakdown, suicidal impulses, a particular kind of mental illness – may be seen to precede this – on the Circles – at J~. Anger – perhaps paranoid, perhaps psychotic – immediately precedes this, on the Circles, at A~.# I am not suggesting that the clinical or certifiable states of psychotic anger (is there one?), depressive mental breakdown, and schizophrenia necessarily follow one another;#* what I am suggesting is that an Individual on the Outer Circle between A~ and R~ may feel the states of Anger, Anxiety and acute Indecision leading to Crisis, as I did in 1980ff to 1987,#** and that the extreme symptoms of these states are clinically certifiable.#***

*[See last previous entry (presumably).]

**[statistical – see [[Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987], 232] & references in earlier volumes re statistical correlation of birthdates with occupations, psychological types/states, etc.]

***(When I was quite young I used to seem to hear snatches of voices, as apparently many children do; and was told that it was my stomach. My stomach often makes noises nowadays, but not that kind.) (Perhaps my stomach voice has broken.)

****There may of course be understandable reasons for this suppression and for these pressures.

#[[Redbook4:67-70][19870821:1020]{Evil at Hungerford}[21st August 1987],] p.67-70 [& especially [Redbook4:69][19870821:1020c]{Evil at Hungerford [continued(3)] – Anger}[21st August 1987].]
and Complication precedes Anger.

#*(They may do: I don't know.)

#**& in c.1970-71. <891005>

#***cf.III [[Redbook3:15-16][19860907:0612j]{A Dream: [(6)] of Madness}[7th September 1986], presumably:] (Dream).



Friday 26 May 2017

{The Conscious Self and the Unconscious}[14th December 1987]

[Redbook4:224-225][19871214:2010b]{The Conscious Self and the Unconscious}[14th December 1987]

19871214. 2010

The Conscious and the Unconscious are highly relevant to the whole question of Angelic Qualities: why (for example) do these manifest themselves in Human form or image only in fiction* or on (or near) the edge of sleep? I speculate that this is because these are the only occasions in which, in normal life,** the conscious Awareness (the Self) allows them to make their presence known.

As some support of this idea of suppression by the Self, I note that in my Journals I-IV a period of reasonably persistent versifying faded in about 1978***, at just about the time when a succession of dreams of varying intensity began to register themselves in my awareness; and that this period has faded in 1986/7, when I feel a great breakthrough in communication and mutual acceptance between different levels of my Mind (i.e. shortly after the start of Vol[ume] III).

*or poetry/verse, of course: Art generally, I guess.

**{But see [Not clear to what this refers]295,
V. [] 14.

***I was also writing fiction. This began shortly after the sense of (being) the +C archetype (as I now believe it to be) faded in my mind: to reappear in the fiction.
Cf [[Redbook4:238-240][19871219:1055]{Childish and Child-like (2)}[19th December 1987],] 238.
ref. III [[Redbook3:56-58][19870329:1210f](DEVELOPMENT [continued(3)])[29th March 1987] ] 56.
{But see later.}


Tuesday 23 May 2017

{Poetry and Rhythm}[14th December 1987]

[Redbook4:224][19871214:2010]{Poetry and Rhythm}[14th December 1987]

19871214. 2010

Poetry without rhythm, if such a thing is possible, lacks the means by which the Poet to an extent suspends the conscious will of the reader (or listener) and gains access for both of them direct to deeper, less conscious areas of the Mind. It seems, however, and curiously, that the Poet's use of this technique may be either conscious or unconscious as far as he is concerned – in two senses: first, that he may or (more likely) may not be aware of the purpose of the technique; and second, that he may by rhythm give access and voice to his deeper mind, or may employ rhythm merely as a mechanical, logical and conscious exercise.


{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (8)]}[14th December 1987]

[Redbook4:223-224][19871214:0130]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (8)]}[14th December 1987]


The distinctions are always blurred and fluid, especially on this G~ side; but I speculate that the {(present)} fair-haired girls (with their generally less distinct and outstanding colours) may be Angelic projections rather than the Archangelic projections of G~, R~ and J~.*

What this means is that they are a degree (or rank, or level, or plane) less refined, more Human; that their roles are less distinct (they fill the gaps between the 8 Cardinals and Diagonals); that there are more of them; that their coming and going is less self-evidently or obviously significant; and that their concerns (for the Individual) may be less particular and elevated, more general and mundane.**

In psychological terms, what this may mean is that the Spiritual Principles are percolating down into everyday life (despite my Self!) and (for example) {into my} collective (or communal) involvement.

*who are, of course, their Masters (or Mistresses).
Of course! <891005>

**{But cf. S&C [paper version, presumably], T-5 & 14-1.}


{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (7)]}[13th December 1987]

[Redbook4:222-223][19871213:2005g]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (7)]}[13th December 1987]


It is interesting to see how far back the Fair-haired-girl dreams (or water-girl dreams) seem to go.*

I may be able to cap this, however, and even the [childhood] link with the young [F] girl,** by recording a recurring dream which I used to have when I was very young indeed, probably much less than 8 years of age: possibly based on a story in the Children's Encyclopaedia (pre-[2nd World ]War edition), it concerned Living Hills which did not travel but into which one could pass and emerge at will if you treated them properly. It made a powerful, almost superstitious impression on me. Hills may be an image of pregnancy, of course; but they are also a symbol of the +M~ side of things, I believe.***

*[Redbook4:219-220][19871213:2005c]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (3)]}[13th December 1987]

**[Redbook4:219][19871213:2005b]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued]}[13th December 1987]

***cf. III. [[Redbook3:8][19860505:2012d]{Dreams of Lines and Landscapes: (3) The Hill}[5th May 1986] ] 8.
{Also of death (tunnels, that is): cf. II: [[Redbook2:176-177][19801126:0050]{A Dream of Teaching: The Tunnel … }[26th November 1980]] 176,
[[Redbook2:366-371[19850806:2138]{A Dream: Return through the Tunnel}[6th August 1985]] 366}
so perhaps the ability to pass easily to and from the “Other Side”? <930607>



Monday 22 May 2017

{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (6)]}[13th December 1987]

[Redbook4:222][19871213:2005f]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (6)]}[13th December 1987]


To restore the balance (to an extent at least), skipping through the Journals I – III I found three occasions when a very clear +M~-figure had intervened from the 'sub-conscious':

A Dream of visions, and the Soul's Uncertainty?
[1]: A Visitation (Note: Not so much a dream....)
A Dream: The Mouth of Hell.

Interestingly, in all three cases the method of communication was characteristically verbal, precise and effective, as compared to the generally more fluid** nature of the “female” communications – which sometimes are speech, and sometimes in silence; sometimes direct, sometimes indirect. (There are other male figures of a perhaps marginally less dynamic kind, which I guess may be of the xL-type, as they are generally paired with the light-brown-haired version of the xP-type.

*{& cf. III.15-6: A Dream of Madness.}
[Full references might be inserted in a footnote when time allows.]

**and more emotional. <891005>

***cf. II. [[Redbook2:300-301][19830826:0045]{A Dream of Missed Directions: Three Chapels and the White Hotel}[26th August 1983]f:] 'A Dream of missed directions and the White Hotel' [sic];
[[Redbook2:302-303][19830826:1045]{A Dream of the Holy City?}[26th August 1983]f] 'A dream of the Holy City?'.



Sunday 21 May 2017

{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (5)]}[13th December 1987]

[Redbook4:221-222][19871213:2005e]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (5)]}[13th December 1987]


I have recently been subject to a number of sleeping or awakening dreams of one or more fair-haired girls*, generally naked, sometimes in situations like changing- (or shower-?) rooms ***(but this last may be my half-conscious gloss to explain the situation). I am generally in bed with [W] (in actuality) when these dreams occur. While these dreams have not generally bothered me, I have not been particularly proud of them.

However, two features of these fair-haired girls are worth noting: first, that (although they are naked) I am not aware of their genitalia (I do NOT mean that they do not have breasts and pubic hair, simply that in the inner vision their genital organs, including breasts, are de-emphasised in a way which would not, I think, be possible in visual art);** second, that we have intense eye-contact.

It is, I think, from their eyes, expression and posture that I know they are female: or perhaps I just know it. It seems fairly clear now that they are simply more manifestations, or projections, versions or types of the Fair-haired girl as spiritual guide. ***I am (or hope I am), after all, at or just after the Transformation Point of the Inner Circle, which is where “female” influence predominates. In short, I believe them to be psychic manifestations of Angelic Qualities.****

*[See last previous entry.]
See [[Redbook4:235][19871219:0105]{Child-ish and Child-like}[19th December 1987],] 235.

**cf. the naked Angels on the tomb of the Pretenders in St. Peter's, Rome; no doubt there are other examples. <891005>
[But cf. [Redbook3:134-138][19870406:2300](SEX AND GENDER)[6th April 1987], 1st para(!). <20170319>]
[It’s worth noting also that much of the writer’s childhood from about 5 to about 15 was spent in a remote rural location where naked swimming and sunbathing was the rule in groups including family and friends of all ages and both sexes, i.e. nakedness was from an early age associated with socialising rather than sex. (cf. [Redbook1:26][19680416:2250]{The Lake}[16th April 1968][Age 16].)]

But VI. [] 272 <891006>
{cf. XVI []}

***(cf.II. [([Redbook2:335-336][19840516:2330]{A Dream of Drowning, and Angelic Visitation}[16th May 1984] (presumably, but see also the immediately preceding entry)] 335)
Nakedness: of Simplification and Love
Changing-room: of the Transformation
Shower-room: of Water.

****Since writing this these visions have not recurred: perhaps because they are now understood and accepted. <19871219>
(But see later.) <891005>



Saturday 20 May 2017

{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (4)]}[13th December 1987]

[Redbook4:220-221][19871213:2005d]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (4)]}[13th December 1987]


I think that just as +K (G~) has developed xS (R~) and xP (J~) – who starts in '[2]' with light-brown hair – so my interior world has also expressed these three in dreams:
(1) the curling-golden-haired girl – +K and also the more responsive part of my psyche (sometime identified, probably inaccurately, with the Soul)*;
(2) the straight-pale-yellow-haired girl – xS, confused sometimes in dream-interpretation** with the similar-looking actual [...] and [X]; and
(3) the curling-light-brown-haired girl – xP, transmuting at times in dream (rarely) or in fiction (generally) to curling reddish-(or red-)hair..
No doubt there are other possibilities (like the dark-haired Rachel in [2]).

*Not inaccurately, I think <891003>

**{?generally pre-xS in [2] (i.e. before about 1987).}



Thursday 18 May 2017

{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (3)]}[13th December 1987]

[Redbook4:219-220][19871213:2005c]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (3)]}[13th December 1987]


I can trace the fair-haired girl(s)* in dreams as well as in fiction (and actuality), both by her description and by her qualities and attributes or properties (e.g. water): for example: --

Fish Men Dream (including water, heart, music, fish...)
I.211H+I-J (Verse)
River (Girl in houseboat)
Running dream (Girl killer at 2 o'clock, i.e. [see clockface diagram here].
Dream of a Community of Girls
A Dream: of Four River-Nymphs
A Dream of +K (in [my secondary school] Chapel
A Dream of Visions, and the Soul's Uncertainty (blonde girl)
A Dream of the Soul? (blonde girl)
A Dream: The Haunted House (Blond[e] girl with cruel lips and teeth)
A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral (Priest's wife, i.e. High Priestess (xS)?)
II.259 '[1]'
A Dream: Of damaged texts (+K?)
II.259 '[1]'
A Dream: Of improper dress (Blond[e]-haired girl (i.e. a proto-xS)
A Dream of Missed Directions: Three Chapels and the White Hotel [See next]
A Dream of the Holy City? (Young girl with light brown hair)
A Dream: The Peace of God
A Dream: The Right Lines

A Dream: Riding the Horses.... (Red Indian girl with Scots girl face)

Dream of xP

Dream of xS

& cf. also III.93, III.103-106.

(I've spent far too long (and interesting) a time compiling this list and being distracted by other notes of dreams etc.)

*[See last previous entry.]

**[Full references might be inserted in a footnote when time allows.]

