Wednesday 29 April 2015

{[1] Weather [continued(4)]}[10th-11th November 1982]

[Redbook2:262][19821111:0030]{[1] Weather [continued(4)]}[10th-11th November 1982]

i.e. ½ past midnight on 11th

(Wind rose again in night.)

Day still and clear today, wind [was] up again this evening, quieter now.

A breakthrough on the Rollright Stones – joining top and bottom?*

*(On the map, I think.) <930116>


{[1] Weather [continued(3)]}[9th November 1982]

[Redbook2:261][19821109:2315]{[1] Weather [continued(3)]}[9th November 1982]

Clear and still.



Tuesday 28 April 2015

{[1] Weather [continued]}[8th November 1982]

[Redbook2:261][19821108:2215]{[1] Weather [continued]}[8th November 1982]


This morning, still and some sunlight: gale later in the day, rain, then calmer; now wind rising again. Gold and green leaves half-gone – carpet on ground instead.



Monday 27 April 2015

{[1] Weather}[7th November 1982]

[Redbook2:261][19821107:2300]{[1] Weather}[7th November 1982]


It was very quiet and still when I started '[1]' at the beginning of the week: the leaves had remained, as I very much hoped that they would; the Mulberry in front of the house was a lovely gold with green underlying. But for two evenings now the wind has been growing, and all day today, and now it is blowing a gale around the house: crying outside the bathroom window and roaring in the chimney. [The dog] and I both heard something fall, outside, maybe in the porch, just now: we went outside but could find nothing out of place, on the roof or on the ground.

I am not convinced that I want it to continue growing!



Sunday 26 April 2015

{[1] Rhythm and Dancing}[6th November 1982]

[Redbook2:259-260][19821106:2200e]{[1] Rhythm and Dancing}[6th November 1982]


Today, to relax, singing a (now forgotten) phrase of a few notes only*, on the [C] forecourt, I ran, turning and leaping, from one side to the other** – something I have always wanted to do but never thought I could. Garden, of course, went on turning; I, walking, sideways. Tried to reverse it, wished I hadn't. But relaxed completely, and dog [(…)] went mad with joy: not touching me (would normally jump up) but rushing round and round front garden just inside hedge (and edge of lawn), then round house: after a few minutes he was quite puffed and wanted to go in – normally walks for miles and still bouncing.

*Later I remembered it, and it became the basis for the Leaping Rhythm [in 1]. <19830510.2045>

**i.e. of the forecourt <870812>


Saturday 25 April 2015

{A [1] Dream: of improper dress}[6th November 1982]

[Redbook2:259][19821106:2200c]{A [1] Dream: of improper dress}[6th November 1982]


This morning, dreamt I was in ?Rhodesia – sunny country – ?black toddlers – bicycling to and fro with blond-haired cousin taken in dream to be [X]. I said: Why are you always(?) so angry with me? She: Perhaps it is because your top does not reach your bottom – Even in this (police??) service they are quite smartly dressed; and in my (secret?) service…. I say: You mean my shirt hangs out; but she does not react to the joke, if it is one. I see no good reason why I should dream of [X] in this way; but there is one 'cousin'* with gold hair and a bicycle who chooses her clothes carefully, top and bottom, and is much in my mind at present....

*[+K] [in [1], presumably; but is this proto-[Xr] (the little dancer of [1])? <871213>



Friday 24 April 2015

{A [1] Dream: of damaged texts}[6th November 1982]

[Redbook2:259][19821106:2200b]{A [1] Dream: of damaged texts}[6th November 1982]


Yesterday morning (I think), dreamed I was in [my secondary school], in scripture class, and I or ?I as ?+K misunderstood a reference to a newly discovered biblical tract (in fact Dead Sea Scrolls) as referring to something else discovered [at the] same time – ?probably Nag Hammadi texts* – found myself picking up and handing back (because e.g. damaged copies) all (as was remarked) the copies handed-out of the text he ([School] Chaplain?) was referring to. Chinese boys in class; at end, aeroplane flying up and down outside.

*(but I have wondered whether Apocryphal Gospels – Acts of ?John)



Thursday 23 April 2015

{[1]}[6th November 1982]

[Redbook2:259][19821106:2200]{[1]}[6th November 1982]


Briefly: started Monday, gone off food quite satisfactorily, got as bit of a hump (literary and psychological) yesterday, seem to have got over it today.


Wednesday 22 April 2015

{Miracles}[(11th August 1982)]

[Redbook2:240][19820811.2315b]{Miracles}[(11th August 1982)]

[Retrospective entry out of order]

(Another* note written some time ago:)

“God works his miracles thro' Men.”

*[See last previous entry.]


Tuesday 21 April 2015

{Socialists}[(11th August 1982)]

[Redbook2:240][19820811.2315]{Socialists}[(11th August 1982)]

[Retrospective entry out of order]

(A note written some time when (I think) I was still with [the Accountants*]:)

“Cynically, there may be only two kinds of people who oppose capitalism: those (and they are surprisingly few) who believe that they have nothing to gain from it; and those who believe that, under another system, they are likely to be favoured.”

*[i.e. c.September/October 1976 to cApril/May 1980.]


Monday 20 April 2015

{Where The Rainbow Ends [continued]}[10th October 1982]

[Redbook2:256-257][19821010:2000b]{Where The Rainbow Ends [continued]}[10th October 1982]


Love, of course, is what is described (if I am right) by Mann in Hans Castorp's dream*: it is curious that whereas Mills' land Where the Rainbow Ends** seems to be populated by infant children, Mann's bay has, I should guess, adolescents and youths (with a very few exceptions): perhaps a little more advanced after the end of the process of 'unlearning'. (I know I have a cheek in comparing Mann with Mills: whose book is a dire warning on keeping politics out of art.)

*[In Thomas Mann's 'The Magic Mountain'. See last five entries before last previous entry.]

**[See last previous entry.]


Sunday 19 April 2015

{Where The Rainbow Ends}[10th October 1982]

[Redbook2:256-257][19821010:2000]{Where The Rainbow Ends}[10th October 1982]


I should put this in perspective by pointing out that I have also just discovered the pattern of 'Where the Rainbow Ends' around [...]land: not so much in its landscape, as in the overall symmetry of its less political symbolism: the journey from St. George's hill, past the Slacker and the Dragon King's territory, to the shore where the Rainbow Ends more or less exactly corresponds to part of the Outer Circle route.

Start from what seems to be emerging as the City of St. Michael (within?) and St. George (without?): on the basis that, as one of the books which I part-read* last week says, the two are often identified as different aspects of the same idea – a thought which did occur to me some time back but I disregarded it as too tenuous; I am prepared to accept other authority! (The connection is to Ogbourne St. George in what I hope will be '[1]'). Pass round the outer shore through the point Complication (entering the Dragon's Wood?), past Distraction (the Slacker; also Mills' Elves etc.?); past the point Fragmentation (well, I don't know); the coast Revolution which is marked already with shipwrecks; and so to the point Simplification round the corner of which is, of course, the House at the End of the World (per ['0']).

It is also, by the colour scheme of the Great Circles, presumably where the Rainbow (or spectrum) ends: the rainbow of course has another end, which presumably is somewhere around the point Ordination. In a more ironic sense it is so too: here the wayfarer or pilgrim (to whom Mills continually refers, as if other than the 4 children of the book) must, in the Great Circles, choose, if he goes, to go round again – or cross to the adjacent Inner Circle station Love, presumably by a route affording a glimpse of the Castle, and start the inward circuit in the reverse direction.

*[“Where the Rainbow Ends: A Fairy Story by Clifford Mills based on the Fairy Play of the same name by Clifford Mills and John Ramsey”, Hodder And Stoughton Limited, London, c.1912ff]

*(Michell, 'The View over Atlantis'; Abacus, 1975, p.54.)



Saturday 18 April 2015

{The Magic Mountain [continued(5)]}[10th October 1982]

[Redbook2:252-256][19821010:1330e]{The Magic Mountain [continued(5)]}[10th October 1982]


Possibly, who is the “lovely boy”? But certainly, who is the young goatherd watching from a height; and in the original, is there the English version's ambiguity as to whom he is watching: goats or people?

In Hans Castorp's own words: 'In a way, I knew it all beforehand. But how is it a man can know all that and call it up to bring him bliss and terror both at once? Where did I get the beautiful bay with the islands, where the temple precincts, whither the eyes of that charming boy pointed me, as he stood there alone? Now I know that it is not out of our single souls we dream. We dream anonymously and communally, if each after his fashion. The great soul of which we are a part may dream through us, in our manner of dreaming, its own secret dreams, of its youth, its hope, its joy and peace — and its blood-sacrifice. Here I lie at my column and still feel in my body the actual remnant of my dream — the icy horror of the human sacrifice, but also the joy that had filled my heart to its very depths, born of the happiness and brave bearing of those human creatures in white. It is meet and proper, I hereby declare that I have a prescriptive right to lie here and dream these dreams.'*

*[Thomas Mann, 'The Magic Mountain', trans. H.T Lowe-Porter; London: Penguin, 1960, p495.]


Friday 17 April 2015

{The Magic Mountain [continued(4)]}[10th October 1982]

[Redbook2:252-256][19821010:1330d]{The Magic Mountain [continued(4)]}[10th October 1982]


Certain questions arise. Why in the rainbow, when the green is central and (apparently) dominant, is the blue end transcendent; what exactly does transcendent mean, and is it what Mann meant? The whole direction of the Inner Circle once started is, of course, towards the blue end: strictly light blue, although light and dark blue are less strictly separated than (for example) yellow and red. But, if I am right, we are not there yet. Blue is the distance, the Sky and the Hills and the Sea surrounding; but not where we stand on land.

Where exactly is the temple? Because the shore scene as described so fully does not contain it or its street, and they do not seem to be contained within that scene – they seem to be mutually exclusive, connected only by the stone steps in two parallel flights, perhaps for two directions – I first saw the steps as leading back down from the temple gate behind him, as if he [had] sat on or just in front of the ridge. I think that this is still a possible reading: or else why did he never see the street of propylaea, if it lay below him in front, since he [had] seemed to see everything else below and in front? There is an implication, whether as an alternative to this reading or as a part of it, that he enters a different temple than the one down whose steps he first walked: which either is opposite to, or possibly actually is,* the scene he saw of the bay. This, reasonable or not, helps me, because the duality of the female figures carved in stone, and the ghastly carnage on the other side, fit closely as a symbol (but not a representation in my mind's eye) of the next station on the Circles, and in particular the outward aspect: Revolution.

*(the first, presumably) <930116>



Thursday 16 April 2015

{The Magic Mountain [continued(3)]}[10th October 1982]

[Redbook2:252-256][19821010:1330c]{The Magic Mountain [continued(3)]}[10th October 1982]


The half-circle is exact: only the [central mountain] is missing, not surprisingly, from the dream. The difference of course is explained in the people: not there in ['0'], but to be brought in: already there in Hans Castorp's dream. Love is the response in the dream: it is the actual station, the function of this place, in [...]land. There are the Horses, the Archers; the dancing, which is the response; even the fishing, perhaps from further off, and the ships, and the swimmers: and the lovers. Even the salute is there: not the same, but that it is there at all is remarkable.

It could easily be said that so much of this follows from the basic theme; but one still has to ask: why does it follow from the basic theme?



Wednesday 15 April 2015

{The Magic Mountain [continued]}[10th October 1982]

[Redbook2:252-256][19821010:1330b]{The Magic Mountain [continued]}[10th October 1982]


I have no doubt that Hans Castorp's dream was a genuine vision of Mann's, although no doubt also like all of us he might have lacked confidence in his own vision to the extent of tinkering with the details on the basis of 'logic'. Last night I was struck by the overall sense and atmosphere of the place, but specifically by the goats (I still can't help a slight feeling of absurdity, as when I see 'Goat News' in [the magazine] 'Practical Self-Sufficiency']. This morning so many aspects seemed to fall into place with my own present plan and earlier (and continuing) visions of the place: the smell (cf. as above), the broad-leaves at the lower levels (cf. the hiding of the […] in ['0'], some way from this place), the rainbow (note the thick, lustrous green), the music, the Sea (cf. [the Narrator's] first glimpse of the Atlantic on the other side, in ['0']). No palms yet in [...]land: but given the temperature changes which might be expected, not impossible. The glory of light is there: for the rest, […]land in ['0'] is, in its 'savage' state, dominated by +Mk: the rest is in the sketch-plan.



Tuesday 14 April 2015

{The Magic Mountain}[10th October 1982]

[Redbook2:252-256][19821010:1330]{The Magic Mountain}[10th October 1982]


And so* to Hans Castorp's dream**: I found it last night, and re-read it this morning. I have not read the rest of the book and doubt if I shall have time to until next year. I think that Death in Venice is the only other Mann I have read.

While at home with a heavy cold this last week I have been sketching-in the basis of ['1']. By the second half of the week only the first substantial part of the book, in […]land, was unclear. Although I had some idea of what would happen there, I did not know where, since this depends on the meaning of […]land itself, and its development. Something of this became clear at the end of the week, resulting in a sketch-plan in which the starting corner on the inside was labelled: 'LOVE'; and underneath it, causing some merriment, '(Goats)'. A little to one side: '(Horses)' (but '(Archers)' would have been equally correct). Just above '(LOVE)': 'Households'. Each of these is based not so much on 'inspiration' as on the placing and interrelationship of rigid frameworks, which could of course be misconceived.

The setting is precisely a great bay of smooth waters surrounded by high hills: it is not far from the view{-point} described (from higher up) in ['0'] when [the narrator] first lands in [...]land. I had in the original draft of the mind's eye more of blue in the far and high hills (other than the [central mountain]): for what seemed sound technical reasons I substituted purple (which I have considered to be a shading-into violet (and far-red) at this stage of [...]land.

*[See entry before last]

**[In Thomas Mann's 'The Magic Mountain']



Monday 13 April 2015

{A Dream of Mann [continued(3)]}[9th October 1982]

[Redbook2:249-251][19821009:2330f]{A Dream of Mann [continued(3)]}[9th October 1982]


I seem to be getting better at picking the parts out of dreams which are relevent to future occurrences. I was much struck by turning over Dunne's (?) book 'An Experiment with Time'* in a bookshop the other day, and particularly the bit about the train crash (I [had] read the book at [secondary school]). However, there seems to be a tendency to become wrapped in the connections at the dream end so much that they may effect the waking end, e.g. thinking throughout the day** that Tubman was a U.S. President, whereas he was just a President: almost as though the memory selection had become directly connected to the dream criteria, bypassing conscious assumptions or rationality (which looked without reason for an American President).

*[Dunne, J.W.. 'An Experiment with Time'. London: A&C Black, 1927?, 1929, 1935?]

**[See entry before last]


Sunday 12 April 2015

{A Dream of Mann [continued]}[9th October 1982]

[Redbook2:249-251][19821009:2330f]{A Dream of Mann [continued]}[9th October 1982]


My T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] came this morning and I read an article about several Bildungsroman works. I was particularly struck by the reference to The Magic Mountain* and Castorp's dream in it: I have to admit that from the context I was not sure who had written it. I did work it out, but when I went into the bookshop I had crossed wires somewhere and went looking for Hermann Hesse. W meanwhile (– I had not told her what book I wanted despite the fact that she asked me several times – because I felt awkward for no good reason at mentioning Hesse in the bookshop: I put it down then to the fact that someone once told me he (or I) was 'pseud' when I had just bought a book of his – but maybe it was simply because I was wrong to look for Hesse:) – W told me later that she had actually picked out the book in the display case without knowing I wanted it.

I had to fetch help to find Hesse, and then establish that it wasn't Hesse – at which stage naturally I wondered how I could ever have thought it was Hesse (perhaps because I have been reading about the attitude of the Hesse family to Anna Anderson in the Mangold** book) – and then it was that W told me she had already found it. The memory of the dream only fell into place as we reached home, but I am pretty sure they were connected.

*[Thomas Mann, Der Zauberberg, 1924.]

**[Presumably “The File On the Tsar”, by Anthony Summers and Tom Mangold; New York: Harper & Row, 1976. I do not believe that this reference was intended to suggest any connection between Hermann Hesse and the Hesse family....]



Saturday 11 April 2015

{A Dream of Mann}[9th October 1982]

[Redbook2:249-251][19821009:2330e]{A Dream of Mann}[9th October 1982]


Last night in the course of a dream I saw a plaque on new 'homes' down on the River [Thames] near the North end of Vauxhall Bridge [in London], which said that President Mann had visited the place on the following dates – about a dozen, I think. Trying to work out why, I looked up at the builder's sign, and turned to [W] who was with me: Do you realise why he came here so often?(approx). She said she did. I said: It's a Watney Mann* building site.

A pretty nonsensical mixture: but it made enough impact for me to wake up wondering who President Mann was, and to decide that he had not existed (the closest I could think of was President Tubman – who I now realise, of course, is Liberia: perhaps I meant Truman? Without really considering it I was convinced enough of the significance of this fragment to wonder whether to record it here against the possibility of a future President Mann.

*[A brewery company, by this time already taken over and merged with another brewery company, Truman....]



Friday 10 April 2015

{A Dream-Event Connection? – Aircraft Crash}[9th October 1982]

[Redbook2:249][19821009:2330d]{A Dream-Event Connection? – Aircraft Crash}[9th October 1982]


Very recently I became concerned at the lack of a certain kind of 'dream' experience. Shortly afterwards – a weekend I think – as a fragment of another dream I clearly saw over city buildings an airliner dive into the ground. So strong was this that I waited for confirmation. When it came later that week it was slightly different: a Russian airliner, I think, went out of control after landing, at Luxembourg(?), and crashed into a wood. But aircraft crashes are not uncommon.


Thursday 9 April 2015

{A Bomb [continued]}[9th October 1982]

[Redbook2:248-249][19821009:2330c]{A Bomb [continued]}[9th October 1982]


The day before, for the first time that Summer, I had walked across to the Park – because I felt depressed and impelled to. I crossed that road not far from the site, lay in the enclosed grass area just the other side, tried to relax and clear my mind, but had to get up because the booming of the traffic forced me to.

My only other possible clue might be that when the Falklands crisis started I bored the […] Office by practical suggestions on how to avoid the consequences of bomb or gun attack (blankets over windows, etc.), to the point of obsession, which may, as it turns out, have been for my own benefit. In any case, nothing of predictive value seems to have occurred.


Wednesday 8 April 2015

{A Bomb}[9th October 1982]

[Redbook2:248-249][19821009:2330b]{A Bomb}[9th October 1982]


For the record, I did not have any specific forewarning of the Knightsbridge Bomb*, on Tuesday 20 July [1982] (according to my Diary). The bomb blew my window out and in as I was sitting three feet behind it; I found glass on my neck and desk, and (later) in my pocket and desk drawers.

My first impression on looking round was of Sunday: no movement, no people even; just flames and smoke. Possibly my eye was drawn away from them. I was immediately busy, and did not look out again for some time. I did notice that I needed two teaspoons of sugar in my tea, not one as usual. Only much later did I learn that the Household Cavalry had been passing.

But that evening, for the first half hour in bed, a bomb went off in my mind whenever I began to drift off.

*[Provisional IRA bomb, Hyde Park, London, which together with the Regent's Park bomb on the same day killed 11 military personnel engaged in ceremonial duties. Seven military horses also were killed.]

