Friday 5 April 2024

{The Song of Songs}[2nd April 1991]

[Redbook9:36][19910402:2045]{The Song of Songs}[2nd April 1991]


‘Whatever the similarities of expression between the hymns of Ishtar* and Tammaz* on the one hand, and the poems of the Song [of Songs]** on the other, these are attributable to the fact that both use the language of love.’


‘A literal interpretation**** is now very widely accepted.’


*[cf [Redbook6:159-160][19890718:1601]{Deuteronomic Circles and Fertility Rites}[18th July 1989], fn=****]

**[Square brackets per ms, indicating insertion in ms]

*** – N[ew] J[erusalem] B[ible]: 1027

[Introduction to the Song of Songs]

****[of the Song of Songs]

# – ibid. 1028



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