Monday 8 April 2024

{The Song of Songs [continued]}[2nd April 1991]

[Redbook9:36][19910402:2045b]{The Song of Songs [continued]}[2nd April 1991]



‘… It* is a collection of songs celebrating the loyal and mutual love that leads to marriage. The Song [of Songs] proclaims the lawfulness and proclaims the value of human love; and the subject is not merely profane, since God has blessed marriage, which is here understood not so much as a means of procreation as the affectionate and stable association of man and woman, Gn2.’**


‘Some scholars assign it a date as early as the reign of Solomon,**** but the Aramaic features of the language, and the borrowing of one word from Persian, 4:13, and of another from Greek, 3:9, indicate a date after the Exile, in the fifth or fourth centuries BC[E].# The place of composition was certainly Palestine.’


*[The Song of Songs]

**[Genesis 2 (the creation and union of Adam & Eve)]

*** – ibid. [N[ew] J[erusalem] B[ible]: 1028] (which[,] see)

****[hypothesised as c970-c930bce]



#*– ibid. [N[ew] J[erusalem] B[ible]]: 1029


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