Saturday 27 April 2024

{The Rise of Racism}[8th April 1991]

[Redbook9:48][19910408:2347]{The Rise of Racism}[8th April 1991]


The rise of racism,** at least as compared with the late 1960’s and 1970’s – or perhaps one should isolate the new self-confidence of racism – is very much on course for the C-S~-M~ sector of the Outer Circle.***

*[sic – cf last previous journal entry, dated 19910408.1543; the programme time (below, fn=**) indicates that this is 1147pm]

**(ref BBC1TV ‘Panorama’ 2130 tonight)


[“Combat 18” was founded in 1992]

[See next ts journal entry but one, [Redbook9:49][19910409:0923]{Stupidity and Hatred}[9th April 1991]]

[Interesting to contrast with this the current tendency towards left-wing ‘cancellation’ or censorship of public opinions perceived to be right-wing, & the right-wing reaction against that tendency (especially in the United States of America) and against liberal immigration/asylum rules (in the USA & Europe) <20240203>(64J~)]


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