Sunday 25 February 2024

{The Ottoman Circles}[27th March 1991]

[Redbook9:12][19910327:1400]{The Ottoman Circles}[27th March 1991]


‘The [Ottoman]* ruling class divided into four functional institutions: the Imperial** (Mülkiye) Institution, led by the Sultan himslelf, provided the leadership and direction for the other institutions as well as for the entire Ottoman system; the Military*** (Seyfiye) Institution was in charge of expanding and defending the empire and keeping order and security within the Sultan’s dominions; the Administrative**** (Kalemiye) Institution, organised as the Imperial Treasury (Hazine-i Amire), was in charge of collecting and spending the imperial revenues; and the Religious/Cultural# (Ilmiye) Institution, which included the “‘ulamā’” (all Ottomans expert in the religious sciences), was in charge of organising the faith and maintaining and enforcing the religious law (Shari‘ah), its interpretation in the courts, its expounding in the mosques and schools, and its study and interpretation.’


Note that, Islam being a religion of the Right,#** the G~ function has a highly right-wing tone: this is the nearest institutional Ottoman Islam can come to contemporary Revolution/Revelation, it seems, and its G~ orientation is distinctly relative.


*[Square brackets per ms, indicating insertion in ms]





#*[Source not given in ms, but most likely to be Encylopaedia Britannica as there is a note in the ms after the next entry that reading of E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 28:890, ‘Turkey and Ancient Anatolia., had been completed. Accent marks have not been checked]

#**(ie as opposed to the Left)

#***{Perhaps this is why an Islamic revolution, when it does occur, swings almost instantaneously to the right – as in the case of Ayotallah Khomaini’s ‘revolution’ in Iran (despite being Shiite)}

{(ref }


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