Monday 5 February 2024

[Feminist Theology][22nd March 1991]

[Redbook8:359][19910322:1201h][Feminist Theology][22nd March 1991]



[A press-cutting from the Guardian 19910128:35, inserted in the ms but not reproduced in the ts, headed: ‘Face to Faith: Separatism is not a sin for feminist theologians’ ‘The General Synod of the Church of England is to debate a motion condemning feminist theology on Wednesday’, by Alison Webster, includes the following text highlighted in the ms:]

‘Do women have another option? Ruether’s vision of Christianity as a dynamic, changing movement is very attractive. So too is the work of non-realist theologians. There is, they say, no absolute truth – religion is a human construction, it is a bit like art: a life project, a language game. It has changed, and it will change again. The implication is that once one has recognised this and been liberated from the shackles of of religious objectivity, the way will be clear to take control of the process of change. That’s the theory.’


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