Thursday 8 February 2024

[A mad world, my moosters][22nd March 1991]

[Redbook8:360][19910322:1201j][A mad world, my moosters][22nd March 1991]



[A press-cutting inserted in the ms from The Independent 19900930:4 but not reproduced in the ts, headed ‘It’s a mad, mad diet of MAFF-speak’, by David Nicholson-Lord, Environment Editor, reports the instances in which the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food from 1988 to 1990 repeatedly stated that there was no risk of bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy passing to humans through diet in specific ways and subsequently banned the specific use of infected animals they had previously reassured the public about, but includes no text highlighted in the ms. The first Human death from vCJD, the (fatal) variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease believed to result primarily from consumption of BSE-infected beef, in the UK occurred in 1995. Since then 178 cases have been recorded in the UK, but research suggests that 1 in 2000 people in the UK may be carriers, and that due to the possible long incubation periods of vCJD, there may yet be a further wave of the disease in the UK.]

(See also a N[ew]S[cientist] article summarising the contradictory advice re Chernobyl – 6 months ago?

{N[ew]S[cientist] 1753: 19910120:44 – B. Wynne. ‘after Chernobyl: Science made too simple?’}

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