Friday 9 February 2024

{Mild Dyslexia?}[23rd March 1991]

[Redbook9:(1-)5][19910323:1353]{Mild Dyslexia?}[23rd March 1991]




{Volume IX}


{19910322(pm) – 19910511}

{The last previous entry is Vol VIII: [[Redbook8:360][19910322:1201j][A mad world, my moosters][22nd March 1991],] 360 on 19910322(a.m.)}

I’ve stumbled across something which may explain the sense of alienation with which I grew up – may, that is, be the major factor against which the reaction of other factors (mostly other people, eg parents, teachers and schoolmates) gave rise to that overwhelming sense of lack of communication which dominated my first thirty years or so (at least after c[irca] 4 years old). Its implications may even help to explain my current ‘specialisation’ (in these books) and preoccupation.

Whatever happened to Cro-Magnon Man?*


*[Apparently part of the same journal entry]

{Now turn over [to the next journal entry]}

([Next 4 ts entries] Inserted and written up before [this] p[age] [3])



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