Tuesday 24 May 2022

{The Ring Cycle (1)}[6th October 1990]

[Redbook8:11][19901006:2305]{The Ring Cycle (1)}[6th October 1990]

19901006.2305 (Sat)

(Watched ‘Das Rheingold’, BBC2 TV 18.10)*



The Ring

Each of the three groups – dwarves, giants (whom I alternatively regarded as a type of developed Dwarf at U~) and gods (whom I then placed at S~ instead of Giants) – noticeably has to choose**** between Love (of one kind or another) and Power: even the Rhinemaidens, perhaps, by their teasing, and neglect of their vocation(?), make this choice.

Alberich the Dwarf has to reject both lust and love (o[uter] c[ircle] and ?i[nner] c[ircle]) in order # to remain where he is – in the end it is his pride which betrays him to Loki, who persuades him to mutate into a toad.

The giants have to choose between Love (Freya) and Power ((the gold and the ring): choosing the latter, one immediately kills the other for it.

Wotan’s choice, as befits a god (and especially one helped by the fire-spirit Loki), is more complex and more compromised: first, between Love (Freya) and Power (the new castle); then between Love (Freya again) and Power (the ring), but by this time the creative and fragmenting Loki has so compromised Wotan that even in choosing the goddess of Love he betrays the self-less Love of the Rhinemaidens.#*

*[Time unclear]

**[S~:] cf [xH] in [2]

[who in the original ts is exceptionally tall]

***(This refers only to ~Das Rheingold as presented tonight, not to Nordic mythology in general)

****{cf [[Redbook8:68][19901027:2148]{The Ring Cycle (2)}[27th October 1990],] 68}

#^(to try) <901007>

#*not according to Loki’s intention however.

{[[Redbook8:68][19901027:2148]{The Ring Cycle (2)}[27th October 1990],] 68}


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