Wednesday 25 May 2022

{A Shaker Eldress...}[6th October 1990]

[Redbook8:12A][19901006:2345]{A Shaker Eldress...}[6th October 1990]


[A press cutting from The Independent for19901006 at p14 occupying the whole of this ms page, which cannot be reproduced for copyright reasons, is headed: ‘Obituaries: Eldress Bertha Lindsay’, begins ‘Bertha Lindsay was the last surviving eldress of the Shakers (officially the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing), an American Protestant millennial sect famous for its celibacy and the production of artefacts, notably plain but elegant furniture’, and ends ‘[by] Malise Ruthven. Bertha Lindsey, religious elder, born 1897, author of “Seasoned with Grace: My generation of Shaker cooking” 1897, died Canterbury New Hampshire 3 October 1990’.]*

*[Note from this obituary that ‘The sect was founded by Ann Lee of Manchester, who crossed the Atlantic in 1774’;** & ‘...the period following the visionary era of the 1830s and 1840s,*** when believers had visions of Mother Ann Lee, as the spirit of God incarnated in female form, or conducted conversations with such rarefied spirits as Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Columbus, Washington and Napoleon, saw a remarkable increase in the quality, range and inventiveness of Shaker artifacts [sic]’.]



[Other similar marginal ms notes refer to other parts of the text]


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