Tuesday 3 May 2022

{Schizophrenia and Fundamentalism [continued]}[30th September 1990]

[Redbook7:346-347][19900930:2135e]{Schizophrenia and Fundamentalism [continued]}[30th September 1990]



The second programme* was an Everyman on the killings which have been going on among fundamentalist {Mormons} for some years now, first by** a self-styled (sectarian) prophet,*** and, after his death, by his sons in accordance with his will (or testament).

It is possible that the form which extreme behaviour takes – the extent of ‘extremity’ of behaviour being perhaps describable, in C[ircles] A[nalysis] and S[ynthsesis] terms, by distance from the Centre – that the form which the behaviour takes may be dependent mainly upon the natural or dominant degree type of the Individual. (Statistical results**** suggest, of course, that one of the factors determining# the type is the date of birth.)

Here’s another* stab at the arrows:

*[See last previous entry]

**or on the orders of

***[Presumably, Ervil Morrell LeBaron (1925-1981]

****ref II [[Redbook2:372[19850923:0048c]{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985], fn=ulr: ‘[The Times article of 16/12/85, ‘When Freedom is a life sentence. The tragedy of schizophrenia: keeping patients in the community can tear their families apart’ inserted here in the ms is discussed & extracted at [Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987]ff <20210618>[&b]]’;

& more generally, see [Redbook2:133][19780831:2240]{Narrative Dreams}[31st August 1978] fn: ‘[A Times 28/10/78 cutting inserted here headed “Birthdays give clue to careers” & “An undiscovered biological rhythm may be the key” reports on statistical research into the effect of birthdays on character and occupation by Professor Alan Smithers of Manchester University’s Department of Education, reported in the American “Journal of Social Psychology” & referenced extensively in later journal entries here.], end, &c.

#(That is implied, at any rate)



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