Thursday 26 May 2022

{... And* an Islamic Occidentalist}[6th October 1990]

[Redbook8:13][19901006:2345b]{... And* an Islamic Occidentalist}[6th October 1990]



[A press cutting from The Independent for19901006 at p15, which cannot be reproduced for copyright reasons, is headed: ‘An Islamic Reply to the Orientalists. FAITH AND REASON. Dr Shabbir Akthar, education officer for the Bradford Equality Council and author of “A Faith for All Seasons”, returns to close the series on Islam and its observers’]

The cuttings on these two pages* need to be read together, or, rather, in immediate sequences: the first* is the best answer to the second.

I grow tired of addressing imaginary or absent fundamentalists, whether of a religious or a political variety, because I believe that while I can understand the way they think pretty well, they are at present incapable of comprehending the way I think.

The piece on this page reminds me of some of Roger Scruton’s*** writings of some years back; and, indeed, of some of my own writings as a teenager or young adult whose inherited values were under attack by those who did not understand the inherited value of inherited values.

Westerners may understandably be wary of Islam, but contrary to the apparent belief of this and other Muslim writers, they do not hate Islam.

I despair of the hatred in Islam now.

*[See last previous entry]

**{See VII. [[Redbook7:296-297][19900915:1747]{Scholarship and Fundamentalism}[15th September 1990]] 296}

***[Sir Roger Vernon Scruton (27/02/1944-12/01/2020) was an English philosopher and writer who specialised in aesthetics and political philosophy, particularly in the furtherance of traditionalist conservative views (per Wikipedia)]


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