Tuesday 17 May 2022

{‘Invasion of the Demon Body[-]Snatchers’}[6th October 1990]

[Redbook8:10][19901006:0017]{‘Invasion of the Demon Body[-]Snatchers’}[6th October 1990]



*Watched 1st ½-h[ou]r or so of ‘Quatermass II’ c. 1957 – another ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ type film from a time when the theme was common on [sic] films, I think – not only v[ersus] extraterrestrials (cf. current S[cience] F[iction] films pro e[xtra]t[errestrial]s – metaphor for Angels) [***] but also this is a form of demonic possession. Why? eg 64A~-J~ – or 2048→C?

*(Note form)

**ref Vol VII? [[Redbook7:224][19900820:0035b]{Flying Saucers}[20th August 1990],] {224}

***{(sic – Sorry)}

[Unclear what this marginal apology is for – perhaps the clunky note-form style?]


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