Wednesday 17 November 2021

{The Three Loves}[26th August 1990]

[Redbook7:250][19900826:1728d]{The Three Loves}[26th August 1990]



All this* fits in well with Joseph Campbells’ offering on BBC2 [TV] this evening,** on the subject to the Goddess, and Love (although I confess that the ultra-serious-minded tone of American delivery, to which I am unaccustomed, tends to send me to sleep).

I do not (unlike Campbell, I think) equate ἐρως, erotic love, with lust. And it may be that ἀγαπη and ϕιλια as the Greeks meant them are reversed here. The English description*** is the significant one in each case.

*[See last previous entries, possibly [Redbook7:247-248][19900826:1430]{Navajo Circles}[26th August 1990]ff, or at latest [Redbook7:249][19900826:1728b]{The Sacred Fish}[26th August 1990]ff]

**ref Joseph Campbell & the Power of Myth, BBC2, 900826:2050

[cf [Redbook7:223][19900820:0035]{Circle of Animal Symbols (Nietzsche)}[20th August 1990]]

***[ie, presumably, in the ms diagram reproduced above]


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