Saturday 6 November 2021

{Inspiration and Analysis}[26th August 1990]

[Redbook7:245-246][19900826:1208c]{Inspiration and Analysis}[26th August 1990]



I am finding it easier, as I grow older, to apply analytical thought (in a broad sense) to the ideas of inspiration, etc. Apart from being the I[nner] C[ircle] way of doing things, this contrasts with my youth when I seemed to be the field of a continual and violent battle between analysis imposed on me as a way of thought from outside, and inspiration welling up from within; the latter causing me to reject the former, despite the sense of obligation I felt towards the former.

In an over-analytical culture,* this is actually an excellent sign so far as my 64-year cycle is concerned: it suggests strongly that I am on a predominantly inner circle 64-year rotation, which is what I would hope.


*(cf TS Eliot on the ‘dissociation of sensibility’)

[See various references in earlier Vols, eg []]

**{On the other hand, I started off Conservative, passed through the Social Democrats, and am now thinking of joining the Labour Party. Then again, the Parties have moved more to the Right than I have to the Left.}



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