Friday 5 November 2021

{Circle of Epilepsy [continued (6)]}[25th August 1990]

[Redbook7:242-243][19900825:1212h]{Circle of Epilepsy [continued (6)]}[25th August 1990]



I make a speculation on epilepsy, taking into account ‘the twist’:* in some individuals the unconscious barriers, or limits, between our individually separated state and the Absolute, the Spirit, are, perhaps, for soundly physiological and/or neurological reasons, less than they should be for ordinary separated Human life. Epilepsy is a manifestation or expression of this.

At times the wholeness of the Spirit breaks through to the unprepared, undeveloped Human Soul. The most memorable symptom of this for Dostoyevsky was the bliss he experienced just before the attack began; but another symptom, which by its nature would only become apparent during a period of frequent attacks, was a rapid transition around the later stages of the Outer Circle, J~-G~-R~-C[,] ie a mental breakdown with loss of memory and of analytical powers.

The (presumed) loss of consciousness, and presumably the pain (which might arise entirely within the brain), are a response to system overload, or a safety cut-out to prevent direct impact of the Absolute on the undeveloped individual Consciousness (‘No man can look upon the face of God and live’ – although some say they have).

The sadness, wonder and alienation are characteristic both of the later stages of the O[uter] C[ircle] G~ breakdown, at R~, and the almost identical early I[nner] C[ircle] at r~;** the C type characteristically is impressionable and silent, not at this stage asking questions; and these two degrees are clearly related in their attributes.

The sudden return to cheerfulness via one of the strong impressions of an everyday event (a donkey braying) marks the movement out onto the circle again as a recovered and volitional Individual, although which Circle is dominant is not clear: possibly, for Dostoyevsky, the I[nner] C[ircle], if ‘The Idiot’ is his method of Crisis Resolution.

*[See last entry but 2, [Redbook7:240-241][19900825:1212e]{Circle of Epilepsy [continued (3)]}[25th August 1990]]

**(Hence the confusion in timing, in other [sic] accounts)

[But see next entry]



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