Thursday 14 February 2019

{Spherical Orientation [continued (12)]}[18th August 1988]

[Redbook5:312-313][19880818:1145l]{Spherical Orientation [continued (12)]}[18th August 1988]


Embodied Spirits (ie us) cannot pass into the Spiritual Kingdom before the First Death (of the Body): the Inner Circle is exactly on the boundary plane,* facing the Spiritual Kingdom. However, such Individuals may see all of the Space within the hemispheres under certain conditions (of themselves): from the Inner Circle, for example, and/or in dreams or visions; I suppose it is possible that they might ‘leave’ their bodies, but I am not sure here of the distinction between ‘sight’ and ‘flight’.

In theory, of course, any point within the sphere is visible from any other point within it; but the same sin etc. which stains the Soul and thus veils the Spirit, inhibits ‘sight’ across the inside of the Sphere.

*(ie not really a ‘band’ in this model)
[cf [Redbook5:227-228][19880724:2355e]{The Sphere [continued (17)]}[24th July 1988]&f]



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