Wednesday 27 February 2019

{Spherical Orientation [continued (26)]: Correction}[18th August 1988]

[Redbook5:319-320][19880818:1810i]{Spherical Orientation [continued (26)]: Correction}[18th August 1988]



Basically, what has happened** is that a model of relationships, using images and words, has become a little bit too much of a rule for the experience of Individuals – whether Angels or Men. It is the experience that counts – of Angels and Men.

The model was meant to be a model of development, not of space or spatial analogies. I believe that as a model of the relationship between the Physical Universe and the Spiritual Kingdom in terms of development, it is a good one, enabling one in theory to identify the developmental locations and movements of Individuals with moderate precision.

But no one can define spatially the link between where I sit now and what I see or am aware of in my head. As an analogy for that, the sphere and hemisphere model is crude and unrewarding. It is quite enough to say that a Free Spirit can move and be where he wills in the Outer and Inner Worlds, unaffected by the physical limitations imposed by the Universe, but subject always to the Will of God; | and that a Man can become aware of the Spiritual Kingdom as well as the Physical World.

*[of [Redbook5:313][19880818:1145n]{Spherical Orientation [continued (14)]}[18th August 1988] (2nd para) to 
[Redbook5:318-319][19880818:1810g]{Spherical Orientation [continued (24)]}[18th August 1988]]

**[See last previous entry]

[& see next entry]

[continues under separate heading]


{Spherical Orientation [continued (25)]}[18th August 1988]

[Redbook5:319][19880818:1810h]{Spherical Orientation [continued (25)]}[18th August 1988]

(ABERRATION [continued])*
Alternative (B) [?][ continued]

Just to complicate things still further, it is worth remembering that the Spirit – and to that extent, The One – is outside Time. Separation from the Spirit involves separation into Time.

*(From [[Redbook5:313][19880818:1145n]{Spherical Orientation [continued (14)]}[18th August 1988]] mid p313 to here [although not necessarily this particular entry] is basically a mistake.) [See next entry]



Tuesday 26 February 2019

{Spherical Orientation [continued (24)]}[18th August 1988]

[Redbook5:318-319][19880818:1810g]{Spherical Orientation [continued (24)]}[18th August 1988]

(ABERRATION [continued])*
Alternative (B) [?][ continued]

In other words,** at this point,*** there being no limiting sense etc., everything depends on where you turn your attention. A Free Spirit sets his**** own location and turns his attention where he will. If he turns his attention to a location, he is there; if he wishes to ‘view’ another location from the existing location he keeps the existing location in mind while turning his attention to another. The previous paragraph# simply describes what happens when he keeps his location within the Spiritual Kingdom and turns his attention elsewhere. Of course if, as is quite likely, his attention involves Humans, he is going to find himself in contact simultaneously with and through the Hemisphere of Man.

*[A mistake; see [Redbook5:313][19880818:1145n]{Spherical Orientation [continued (14)]}[18th August 1988], fn; & [Redbook5:319-320][19880818:1810i]{Spherical Orientation [continued (26)]: Correction}[18th August 1988]]

**[See last previous entry]

***[See last previous entries, & [Redbook5:306–320][19880818:1145]{Spherical Orientation}[18th August 1988]ff]

****[This clearly should be ‘its’ or possibly his/her’ throughout when referring to Spirits]

#[See last previous entry; possibly referring to the whole of that (blog) entry]



Sunday 24 February 2019

{Spherical Orientation [continued (23)]}[18th August 1988]

[Redbook5:318][19880818:1810f]{Spherical Orientation [continued (23)]}[18th August 1988]

(ABERRATION [continued])*
Alternative (B) [?][ continued]

**At this stage everything depends not just on your viewpoint – which is quite a usual condition – but also on which way you are looking. (In [2], [xS] says specifically: ‘Man exists within the physical and Spiritual Worlds’.)***

Point of View
Object of Attention
Anywhere in the Physical Universe
Anywhere in the Physical Universe
As normal for us
Anywhere in the Physical Universe
The Spiritual Sphere or World
No sight – but awareness of the Hemisphere of Men ‘within’
The Hemisphere of Men
The Physical Universe
Depends on Individual’s physical location
The Hemisphere of Men
The Spiritual Kingdom
Inside of Hemisphere
The Spiritual Kingdom
The Hemisphere of Men
Inside of Hemisphere
The Spiritual Kingdom
Rest of Creation (including Physical Universe)
Shifting Sphere: [see text continued below this table]

Shifting Sphere[text continued from final box in table above]:
(1) Overall view is as from outside of Sphere, looking in, with rest of Spiritual Kingdom on outside: but when you turn your attention to another within the Spiritual Kingdom, the Kingdom appears once again like the inside of a Sphere.
(2) View focused on any particular point is as from the inside of Sphere, looking out; all round view is obtainable without obstruction by Hemisphere of Men, rest of Spiritual Kingdom, etc. unless one turns one’s attention back to them.

*[A mistake; see [Redbook5:313][19880818:1145n]{Spherical Orientation [continued (14)]}[18th August 1988], fn; & [Redbook5:319-320][19880818:1810i]{Spherical Orientation [continued (26)]: Correction}[18th August 1988]]

**[See last previous entries, & [Redbook5:306–320][19880818:1145]{Spherical Orientation}[18th August 1988]ff]

***["The purpose of the Universe and of the Spiritual Kingdom is the purpose of God, the Essence, for them. The purpose of the natural World is to support the purpose for Man. The principal means by which the physical Universe supports Man's purpose are by Creation and by Evolution. The purpose of Man can only be achieved within the degree of physical separation from the One which the Universe provides. Man exists within the physical and Spiritual Worlds: he may sink with the Animals, or rise with the Angels. The purpose of (and for) the Angels is to help Man to fulfil the purpose set for him by God. The principal means by which the Spiritual Kingdom supports Man's purpose are by Love, and by Harmony.” (Original ts)]



{Spherical Orientation [continued (22)]}[18th August 1988]

[Redbook5:317][19880818:1810e]{Spherical Orientation [continued (22)]}[18th August 1988]

(ABERRATION [continued])*
Alternative (B) [ continued]

The Round Table of [the] Castle […] [in]** [1]*** is a little like this.**** When it is flat, it is like the boundary plane; when it is a sunken cone (for democratic assembly) it has an inside and an outside; when it is a raised cone,# everything that was inside is now outside, and everything that was outside is now inside.#*

*[A mistake; see [Redbook5:313][19880818:1145n]{Spherical Orientation [continued (14)]}[18th August 1988], fn; & [Redbook5:319-320][19880818:1810i]{Spherical Orientation [continued (26)]: Correction}[18th August 1988]]

**[The ms has ‘at’ but this must be wrong]

***[Removed in revision of [1] for typing, possibly for inclusion elsewhere]

****[See last previous entry]

#(for undemocratic assembly)

#*[See [Redbook5:310-311][19880818:1145j]{Spherical Orientation [continued (10)]}[18th August 1988], fn***]



Friday 22 February 2019

{Spherical Orientation [continued (21)]}[18th August 1988]

[Redbook5:317][19880818:1810d]{Spherical Orientation [continued (21)]}[18th August 1988]

(ABERRATION [continued])*
Alternative (B) [ continued]

**This raises the question of whether there is – I think there must be – an equivalent** Outside the Spiritual hemisphere [sic]. What is it? Bearing in mind that the Physical Universe is both inside and outside the Spirit,*** I hazard a guess that it might be the direct communication link of the Spiritual Kingdom and the Physical Universe, ie not through Humans inside the Hemisphere of Men.

I believe I am right in saying that mathematically speaking, all the mathematical descriptions of our position on the outside of our World (the Earth) could equally well apply if we were on the inside surface of our World, and that the contrary cannot be proved, although few do not believe it.

What I suggest**** is that whereas the Hemisphere of Men is indeed (as a model) the inside surface of a notional hemisphere, each Individual Soul in which is linked by their Soul-Mind-Brain link to [an] Individual Humans [sic] in the Physical Universe (within which this Sphere is not apparent), forming the inside of a Sphere with the Spiritual Kingdom; conversely, beyond the Boundary Plane or Disc the Spiritual Hemisphere is or can be (without affecting the transition across from one Hemisphere to the other) the outside surface of a Hemisphere, forming a Sphere with the Hemisphere of Men; and that inside this Spiritual Sphere is to be found the Physical Universe, which is outside the Sphere of Men….#

*[A mistake; see [Redbook5:313][19880818:1145n]{Spherical Orientation [continued (14)]}[18th August 1988], fn; & [Redbook5:319-320][19880818:1810i]{Spherical Orientation [continued (26)]: Correction}[18th August 1988]]

**[See last previous entry]

***[sic. This is consistent with earlier suggestions about the relationship of the Spirit and the Totality]

****[following from the first two paragraphs above]

#[See last entry but one, [Redbook5:316][19880818:1810b]{Spherical Orientation [continued (19)]}[18th August 1988], fn ult**]



{Spherical Orientation [continued (20)]}[18th August 1988]

[Redbook5:316-317][19880818:1810c]{Spherical Orientation [continued (20)]}[18th August 1988]

(ABERRATION [continued])*
Alternative (B) [ continued]

Let me try again.** From the Outside, ie the Physical Universe, no Inner Hemisphere is apparent. It is apparent, though, from the ‘Inside’, as it is the structure in which the minds of Men relate themselves,*** and the connection of the Inside and the Outside is point-to-point throughout the Minds of Men.**** (There are similar Circle processes going on, of course, in the Physical Universe: the Circle gives a hidden dynamic structure to the Physical Universe).

There is a similar Inner Hemisphere, face-to-face, which is the Spiritual Kingdom, intimately linked with the Realm of Men (the other Inner Hemisphere) and thus (and probably otherwise)*** with the Physical Universe which Men inhabit.

*[A mistake; see [Redbook5:313][19880818:1145n]{Spherical Orientation [continued (14)]}[18th August 1988], fn; & [Redbook5:319-320][19880818:1810i]{Spherical Orientation [continued (26)]: Correction}[18th August 1988]]

**[See last previous entry; and [Redbook5:313][19880818:1145n]{Spherical Orientation [continued (14)]}[18th August 1988]ff]


****[(]& their equivalent, if any)

