Sunday 23 September 2018

{The Sphere [continued (13)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:225-226][19880724:2355]{The Sphere [continued (13)]}[24th July 1988]


*Pascal[‘s Triangle, level] n=3** marks a significant divergence for us – a 3rd dimension (a sphere) on the one hand, but an increased order of complexity when restricted to 2 dimensions (i.e. in information – like this). (One might find the same divergences at each change of stage,*** but this one is easier for us to comprehend.)

My guess is that the sphere – which is ‘hollow’, i.e. real space but not solid in a material sense – enables the cross-connections between different points on the 2-spacial-dimensional perimeter which is apparent in ordinary individuals.****

Immediately, however, a problem becomes apparent – that the sphere is still bisected by the plane (disc), and therefore any such connection must occur on one side or the other.

My speculation (and this is an old one)# is that on one side of the plane is the hemisphere of the Spiritual Kingdom, on the other side (our side as we look at it) the Physical Universe.#* At the Centre towards us is Man; at the Centre away from us is God the Father/Creator; at the Centre Centre is the Spirit. At the ‘top’, of course, is Christ, the Son; at the ‘bottom’ is the Adversary, the Accuser, Satan (also described, in [The Book of] Job I think, as a son of God).#**

*[See [Redbook5:218-239][19880722:2307]{The Sphere}[22nd July 1988]&ff; & esp
[Redbook5:223][19880724:1443g]{The Sphere [continued (7)]}[24th July 1988]]

**[cf [Redbook5:224-225][19880724:1443j]{The Sphere [continued (10)]}[24th July 1988]]
[& see presumably [Redbook5:227-228][19880724:2355e]{The Sphere [continued (17)]}[24th July 1988]]

***[i.e. level, presumably, and value for n (i.e. power.]

****[Cf last previous entry, footnotes, esp 1st fn]
[I think technically the circumference of the circle is one-dimensional, but the plane across it (the disc) is 2-dimensional.]

#[Refs not yet found; probably Vols II/III]

#*It is therefore incorrect, as I have done, to talk of (e.g.) left and right hemispheres of the Circle – they should be semicircles; but each is, of course, a plane of a hemisphere….
[into which the qualities of that semicircle may presumably extend, on a gradually more mitigated and/or merged basis <20180730>.]

#**A Hawking Universe?!



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